pin 'OrADA~I U In sventh Uanuali ce skat- ing meet to be held Thursday eve- ning, January 12, atý 7:30 o'clock at the Village -Green pond. The meet has been sanctioned by the llinois-,Western Skating associa- tion. a-nd al races will be governed. bv the rules of the Amateur Skating union of the United States. ,AIl of the races are open té Wilmette resi- dents but the feature. races of the aft.'enoon, one: and two-mile derbies WiIl be open to outsiders. In these twon races the first place Winners tvili receive skates as prizes and the sec- ond and third place winners silver and bronze inedals. The ane-mile race prize., will l>e a, pair, of gold skates donated 'by Wilniette drug-> gists.- The twoé-mnile race wil have for its prize a pair of "Elue Streal," Slates 4o.nated hy A.. G. Spalixg nd Brothers. Race for Men and Boys. *Another race will feature Xilmette mien and boys only and the prize wili be a pair of "Silver Vng skates donated by Chandlers Inc. This race will be for one-haîf mile. Previous registration ýis necessary ini ail races and mnust be ini the rec- reation office by 4 o'clock. Tue.sdav afternoon.. Ianuarv. 10., Entries will B oth ponds wiU. I)e refloodeci as soon as theie ercurv drops enough to permit ireezing. So far there have been onlv a .few days s.,ating on ic Wilmette ponds due to. the sudden thaw preceding the Christmas h101- days but the Recreation authorities are hoping for a chance to flood by New Year's Day. * List Caa'ivaI Ev..t. A lit o evntsfor the seventh Plan toC0 Mie 1933.Ballot.Days Officiais of tiorth shore villag e Sat- tended a. neeting in Chicago, Wed- nesday, afternoon to discuss a rOý posed movement to petition the leg- isiature. for authority to bold .ail'eiec- tions that may-becalledintesrn of 1933 on June 5, 1933, w hen Cookg county elects its' circuit court judges. 1The cali for the, meeting was ,Is- sued Dy Robert M. Sweitzer, chair.- mani of the election consolidation committee appointed *by the County board, and- reads as follows: -Aý you doubtless know, there is now a proposed movement to peti- tion the legislature for authority to hold ail eiections t'hat nxay ~be called in the spring of 1933 on june 5, 1933, when Cook county elects its Circuit court judges. "This movement is actuated solely i n the interest of economy and it is the desire of the countY officiais and inetbers of the varions conimittees "hamed to draw consolidation bis to secure the cooperation, or at least know the reaction to the plan blv thep u,8'cusscu. -You are requested to bring with you the attorney or corporation counisel of your city or village, town- ship or park district, as the case m'ay be, so that hie may aiso be ad'vised of ail legal phases of the movement." Roy Wilcox Gets Degree; Continues Studies Ijison, the minister, will deliver an address on "Old Year Wisdorn for New Year Living."e Duringthe eve- ning the-chorus choir, under the direction of Mi ss Marie Bncie of Chi- cago will. present the following selec- tions: "God So Loved th e WorId" .Stainer ..UnfoId e Portais"...........Gounod "*Giorila" VTwelfthb Mass) ... Mozart "Riing Out. WiId BeIhs"..... .. .Gounod. **Sanctus"...........Gounod "I-ilIeIuJah Chorus' . .... Handel' Five minutes before mùidnigbt thel church, wil ýbe in. darkness. :Gradu-: aliy the' light wil increase as, the New Year day approaches, until five bu4dred candles wilI shed their soft glow 'over the assembiY. On' Newv Year's day at Il o'cleck, Dr. Oison will preach on the theme, "Fair Havens: a Port of Call." The ~choruis choir wilf sing "~Rinfg Ou't, Wild Beils," and "The Heavens Are Teiiing," by Haydn. Rengel Gets G. Collectio road, thei avenue. In the past it bas been, th epoicy. of the Chamber.tW hol: Id mothly meetings on the first Monday night- of each month at the Minmette Masonic temple. Under the' e policy the mneetings will be held on the first Monday as usual, but atý noon instead of lu the evening.* Be- cause of the* fact that New Year's wiil be legally observed on january, 2 this year the regul ar Janiuary meet- ing is to be held on January 9 in- stead of january 2. Installation of the'new officers and directors will hée the principal. item, of busi ness at, the January meeting. The speaker'for this meeting will be Dr. Alexander Carr of Chicago, whoý is known as an optimist, a bumorist, and a clever speaker. lm Winues of the winners of annual commercial. g contest will. be .january meeting. be awarded as first Rengei,. 2 ýette, bas1 :t for the beiow the price paid for garbage col- lection in Wilmette this year on. a similar collection schedule. The contract provides for tbre collections ecdi week duri ng the months of J une, Juiy. August, Sep- temiber and October and two collec- tions each week f rom November to, Mfay, inclusive. The saine number of collections have been nmade this year. Officers to Be Isstalled Officers and directors to be in- stalled at the january meeting are: A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., president.; Bradford L. Kecler, vice-president; W. B. Robinson, Jr., treasurer, and J. E. Worthen (the retiring presi- dent), T. A. Cizek, Leo Michel, Rich- ard Burns and G. W. Swiney, di-. rectors. '.118151 Imade Floor, -the custamary a adults paid cash 1(100 inl ieu îission fee, w' mission. ýI s 1 i latives and iriends Jdinner Monday, a New k'to spend the w ith friends inu -à-&-