Mlore thon fort.%. Wilmette boys selected front a list prozided by the Wl-ilmette Board of Local Gharit ies, à,t i(da ,.ioits Chjristmnas P'arty Tutesday of last week as guesti of t/he Wilmette Opti»zist club. Each member of the Optimist chib. as weII as~ other business ani fkofessional mn in Wtheteillage, sponisored a boy «t the party zohich was held in the Service club rooin of the Shtazmn ee Couettry club. Dr. George D. Upson z'as chairman of thec prtfv, and' the Rev. Jams T. î'eneklasen, tninister of the First Prrsbvýteria;n chrirch, gavýe a Christmias message. ,Raise $600 From Pupils Are Givèn Party Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Fogg, A nnual Seal Sale by Highcrest P. T. A . 713 Greenwood avenue, lield open Approxiniately $600 was raised for TIhe Parent-Teacher association of house as usual on Christmas day. The- firemen made one -other run in the week. ending Tuesday, Decem- ber 27. That was to, 1517. Forest avre- nue last Saturday morningtat about 10*:30 o'clock.ý An overheated fu rnace caused a lire scare,ý but no damage resulted. CELERRATIïNG NE W YEARýS Mr. and, Mrs. Edwin Luther eIlsbe',530 Forest avenue. wiIl be hosts informally on Saturday to sec the N ew Year in. SU1I' du BREE WII1 be bappy te Ihep Yeu, deui and malke journow wistt.r é*otbo or remodel jour uroent 8waul. robe. 1135 CENTRAL AWVENU Phione Wtbmetts lu' .OOLD We bay oldgod, lver and pItinum, otod ee1 nd mibroken J.welry. 2ilghent prie@--free ellE. mate. D. PAGLIARUL~O Javeer 11U WIETTE AVENUJE WIL1WETTE 1061 ago, according to iNrs. liiez Bliss, the elsen presided, as Santa, white her Tuberciilosis iinstitutes, represenitaIýdtghc,'\Irý me lydtepao tive here, but is less than haif of duheMr ue lydtepao %vhat the institute spends in the vit- and ber sot, Carl, 'the violin. Jacqueline, larve each year. Mirs. Bliss, on behaif NMrs. Mickelsen's younigest daughter: of the institute, expressed lier thaniks ývas a fairy. to every one who contrjbuted. AI-. Bags of candy and tangerines were thouigh the Christmnas, seal drive bas the gifts of the Parent-Teacher associa- closed for another %ear, contribu- t'O" to the children. Earl Orner pro- tions m41ich w'11 aid in the 'figlit vided a Christmas tree and lights for against tuberculosis will be welconed tbe, party. at any time, Mrs. Bliss said. Mrs. H. . Tomis as chairman, assisted b: M\rs. D. Hartnet., .Mrs. Central Ave. leI.2998 jj Me3mber 'Wi lmette Chamber of Rememiaer the, Food zrl - 5081 ý.,PIine1 Main SI. G... 6832 OVIN y,'r 's.e arrela