oaa y association trustees' section. is Presiding at. the trustees' section meeting today. "Library. Revenues for Essential Services" is .the subject of discussion at this meeting.' As- * pects of the.subject to be discussed. include: DitScus S.rvic. Neds 1. The essential, need ýof library * service under present cônditionrs. 2. Responsibility of library trus- tees in maintaining revenues, for these essential. services. *3. Facts and figures that -wil aid in arousing public opinion in estab- Iishing ,the library's cla im to support at this tinie. To AttendJ Dimmer Miss Whitmack,. in addition tO at- tending the trustees' section sessions during the ilsy today, alsô expecttï to be present at the dinner to be held tonight for the alumini of the West- ern Reserve university library school. Mrs. AUNT DIES iamin Bradley, 310 Oxf x'orth, spent five.days. ton, Iowa, where shei ie death of an aunt. Wilmette 2814 anmd 731. WINNETKA 796 Ehu St. Winnetka 4 and 333. Walter AhlleaSttdts, btisse- eandante, will present th e-ightÀ facadtvy recital of the school of imusi- fNrhwse, Miversity' Wcdiesdaj, vnnJaur ,a 8:15 o'clock at Mlusic hall, Orriing- ton avzenjué, aid. University place. Tite public teill be welcoiie.> lecting ul special im die ferne which .th( teles and cycle evet' *An die ferne Gellebte',-(8ong Cycle, original text by . Jeiftes) -.................. Beethoven The Ballad of Desair-, (Muge).............. Bembèrg (For Solo voice, Reader, and Piano with Violin and Celle obligati) Had a Herse-(Hungarlan Folk Sont) ......... ..... Korbay (Thé defea.t of the àungarian armny of 25,000imen b>' 200,000 Turks ait Mohaca. on the 29th of Auguat.,) TO BU RY "1>EPRESSION'9 Mrs. Paul. Leonard Roche 'of 80 Central avenue is giving -a unique partyon NewYear's.eve., It is to be an old-fashioned wake with thé buri- ai of -"Old Man. .Depression" 'at niid- nib.Nothing but the depression is to be discussed until the dock strikes 12, and fromn then on if the subjet *js discussed or even mentioned. a fine is to be imposed. About -*irty song cycle,c was by Jel the first son MARKET- Home and Studio, Portraits - Garden htgraphy. MATUUEW FRANCIS STUIDIO, *Bd FIGOorWDmett Tibeatre EJ.g. 1122 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilfett* Site Quickly Delivered CObrge Accounts Solicited from Reliable Peope a