New Print.s Inalthe ings 'botbh and plaids. l1933sy- in prints i 9cyard catch up on sewing after the holi- days. -I Cinghams -are back. in style *.and areý we glad ***for gingia.mi- ways did mace pretty dresses. Peter Pan. Ginghims. In all the.plain and plaids. 1. il colors 121 MEN'S SHIRTS Of' Fruit-of-the-Loom Broaddloth Plain whte with coller et- 1ached or neckbend style. MEN'S GLOVES 0f a fine count print. Linen Dresses Alil Pure Linen $1-25 Smocks ln fancy designs of broadclotk. Made with a high coller *fFect. pair 1I. MEN'S Sox Part wool pair'50c t. I E,. g