If iii.. worth hèr weight in goIJ. of course a bit of the delecta hie new costume iewelry lu' the tking. Gold,' pearis and briliaints. . eatrîncs, clips, pins, bracelets. Lq.ve if, fo -the clever Lucçien Lelong fo, captivafg the. femiain. spbuI witlh e wbhi# of 1,1. .lluring Mur4 mure . a àwMisper of à sceâtf. Slie'll b. simpty wmad S about if. Hank ies .Were Never Daintier f 25c YO'u isiee, tko're ail-linen in pure. white or -White with bits of color. Just the suze for ber Ilittié nose end -women no nver have quit. enougýh" Hose JJon't Have tiÔ Ru,,! Af least, we know that Phoenix~ don'tl. If she liks the sheer c!ear chiffons, bore they are . .or. if she favors the sturclior service wight, stop rigkt upi Ail the newesf shades. and Phoenix quality. p Bag sAre Dul in Finish ýOnly, Otherwis. thoiyro quit. a brgtValenti. id... Se» thoe for instance. wVIt h t h e i r effectivre marcauite frimus and swvanky-new ilhipes of Jul calf. Valentines for Ail! Cards, folders, favorsi Sentimental, amusing. clever. AIl types and all pricos from I c to 50c. Cover Her Hand Smartly And nothing is more enthusiastically sponsored thos. days than stock kid gloves ini slipon or clesp styles ...bofh plain and appliqued. Black, brown, beige. And 'Look .Here! So Have. We!, Ail kinds, ail sizes, of *evory dege.cof diffliuity! Ther. ore the small, 'easior-to'-solve 50-piece puz- zles and the complicated 1,000-piece cnes. On Davis Stréeet Wilmetl. 1100