Four stylings for the' woman and modern mis$. $100o ln the. n.w plaids for Sprng. Boa ulif ul1 cotorings and Sf or-Il 146-" .95 ( ~ B v Tropicool has the ap- pearanc. and. the. f.. of reaI linen.'Frequent washings r enesw and b.. utif y them. CHAMOI SE GLOVIES, .1.Ave.. Phne PIac your orders now1 ment ond b. pr.pared. >r equip- W.dn.sdlay, F.bruiary St1h THE BIRTHDAY >0F SCOUTING' Thursdoy. F.bruary 9gfh HOME:and INTER- NATIONAL .DAY Frday, February I1Oeh TRAOE>and NDUSTRY DAY Saturday, February 1I I h OUT0OF-DOORS DAY Sunday, FeIbruary 1 2+h Monday, February I 3th CITIZENS' DAY LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Tu.sday, February 14+h: GIRL SCO.UT OUTFInTERS phon. NN 2655 I en. *,b I j *~1 /0-1