Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 46

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rugsbarrack bag, box spring, trunk,, A4 bedends, 2 ýdressers, 2 bed ends. jnat- tress, kitchen cabinet, crate plate glas%, box., card -table, Jardinee, ice boXa bundie. 2 Wood bed aides, library table, buffet, bundlle two cush ions, floor iamp, !rocker,1 bundie Iron bed -rails. 11 frs.,.F. Meétndorf-Lot No. 2079- Highboy, bamper. sereen, lroning board. Carton tools, carton.books, sofa -pillow, camp cot '& chair, umubrella,, golf -bag, 3 stoole, 4 pictùres,- bed aMats, mattress, clothea rack, 2 bed ends, 'box. spring, 2 bed aides, dolcrib, pot, tire screen, rocker, pho ne- chair' & stand, box toys, drop leaf'table,. corner sheif, bookcase, childa chair, case kitchen .tensils. Sà. W. box, uph. chair, uum cleaner, 31 dressing table, bc ery stand, smok Iadder chair, me 2 andirong, aewIr Robert T. Boil Grand piano and P. Scbmidt-U in81 as a bill adjuster in the retail store. He served in thjisposition until Jan- uaàrv 1, 1924,* when he was, appointed private secretary- to john G. Sbedd, chairman of the board. In. succeeding year-s he served James Simpson, Mr- YMéKinlay and 'othe r. executives ini similar capacities. Mr. McBain was named manager of the Mart in January, 1932. For several years prior to t ,hat he had been ini charge of local tax matters, for the'company. table, bookrack, vac- barrels china, 12 tables,. Ne S. Residents on, iox, 2 loor lampa, fern'- Ltte1 h;ae king stand, gate, step Litl haer]or etal boxÉ, bundIe poles, Notsorrsdnswelkwnn ing cabinet. Nrhsoersdnswl1koni linger-Lo0t No. 2178- dramatic circles compose the organiza- Ai bench. tion board of directors of the recently jot No. 2180-Victrola, formed North Shore Little theater, 1ice box, lanîp shade, ýtovrnprts, -burmrTe tove whticis t~ ô pTwnt '4thild'en ,of' the' 14 chairs, floor lamp, Moon," February 7, at the Evanston ,ven.port, smoking stand, Wmnscu hsognztocn ihions,, dreas- oa'clbThsrgnztno- unge, floor lamp, wlck- sidered one of more than amateur abili- )P, wood bcd end, iron- ty. is directed by Mrs. E. V. L. Brown le bed alats, b'îndle 2 of Winnetka. William Ziegler Nourse r, wood bed end, card 1 barrel, bundie twvo of Chicago, and the following Evans- tonians: Mrs. Florence Capron, Mr. )t No. 2199-3 iinirrors;, and Mrs. George Folds, Mr. and Mrs. ýd ends, 3 arm chairs,Frni ainMs.WlamNbe , 5 chairs, 2 bundiesFrns ahnMsWiia'Nbe s, 2 chiffoniers, dress- Mrs. Harry G. Phillips, Mrs. George ors, 2 bundies bedding, M. Groves, E. Grant Phillips. Brent wash boiler, magazine Wýrenn. and. Miss Katherine M., Swi- hel baskt. 2 2rtns sieep with Windows open, proper f ood served regularly with pflay in the fresh air and sunshine are ail important. As we.go to press the sunshine ýseems to have gone to Plorida.* Use cod liver oil until the summer sunshine returns. It bas two. vitamins which are important for the ýgrowing cbilcL' D helps to build bones and :teeth and Apromotes growth and helps to make a icold,- when it does "catch", your child, less. severe. Don't wait until your child is' a "mun- about" inihe sunshine. Start with the three wcéeks old infant and keep it Up, uilhe is- at Ieast six yearsý old. The next chest clinic conducted by the. Chicago Tuberculosis institute wil be in charge, of 'Dr. Julius Novak and will meet on Monday, February '20, from 1 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Infant Welfare clinic will be open February 8 and 22 froni 2:30 to 4:30. The dental cliniic of the Wilniette Health center wiIl be held Tuesday morning fromn 9 to 12 and in the after- noon from 2:30 to 4:30. The dental clinic. of the Howard school will be open next Thursday rnorning fron 91 o'clock to 12.j vxuaIse in crime expected as a resiit, of economic conditions. "As a' pazt .ot the plan* to- prevent crime, the Police Department has en- deaVoredto regulate door-to-1door ped- dling and. soliciting: by. requiring al peddlers' and solicitors to secure police permits. BY 80 doîng, it bas been pos- sible.ý to keep. out a large number of. tramps, -panhandlers and' other unde- sirables who may, seek to dispose o.f almost valueiess merchandise as an ex-. cuse to cover Up their >real purpose. Permits are issued to. solicitore for liniited periods of time whenever' there is no apparent rea$on for refus.ýai, but al householders are .Warned that the police permit is flot'an approval 0f the q.uality or price 'of goods nor the busi- ness metbodis used, In selling thern; Householders could assist the Police De- partment In this work by rýeqtiiring ,il sôlicitors to exhibit a policeý permit -be- fore liste.ning to their storýy, and by notifying the police immedliateli~ if any tramp or beggar calîs at their borne or if an soiior does not, av a tn expired police permit. "As a further part of the plan to prevent crime, we -have the squad car and foot patroirnen 'on the streets at ail tirnes of day and night. Burglaries a re seldom atten'pted unlessý it is ev-i- dent that the- householder is aia3:. Yoit can help prerent a burglary when you are away hynaking lt appear thait vou are at borne. For instance, NNvhen igg>rig iiway- you are advised to: 1. 1Make sure that dtulivetries o'f rlew5spaper-s, imail. miillk, etc,, re (dis- contlnued. 12. Make cért4iin that all dorr an'd vicioiaaresing tl, mtu, swing, 6 I returned troni their lhonevmoon to ... JaLU ýUaIr 24, a ty2pctrsfreezer, work' benc,'j iai eahansadatth Or.g bundle b2 d idtes, 3bllsbdsas im eahadaea h rigyears. The f uneral servi( can, wringer, motor, gardon tool, snow . 'ton' hotel until their apartment on Iast Thtirsday niorning al shovel, lawn 'io'wer, bencb, grass Ridge avenue in Evanston is readv church iniWlet.a catcher, lathe, saw, nml box, 4 springs. o te. r.Cunin s h Q laeatSce 2andirons, shade.,fo hm r.ClMn stefrplc tSrdHatc Henry Raeder, Jr.-Lot No. 2181- tuer Ruth Wenter of Wilmette. Hens lis survived by five Davèxiport, victrola, boxc spring, table, dh h sn r 2 arm chairs, 2. floor lamps, desk, 2 daugers.Th o'ar elliffoniers, 3 mattresses, vacuium elean- Mr. andM'Nrs. J. Allen Pearson ci- nel,. Bernard J., HI'ubert er, doll buggy, 4 chairs, child's desk, tertained at a bridge dinner Satur- liens, aIl of w-honî live can, -basket, 2,bundles cushions, dresser, dav at thieir home, 1507 Oak~ street. The dau,wht rs areIIfr,, T 9 cv o r . Qf n . -I ' _ , Vilmette statIank, after a mont] D. Leary, jecretary Mr.Cye of the ]Board. r Cld L38-3tc avenue. £ II '. -le a.>Leave a -ilght burning tt least ln the age of 82 one roonm on the second flo: it is ices were beld as desirable to leave oni, hurning at t.joëp>s on the first floor. Do)n ot dra:w sae it t. oseh's in the Unlighted moins, buit çraw id burial took thern in the ligh'ted roonis. cemetery. Mr. 5. Don not leave your garage' rbors. sons and four stand open when yon. g'>awv<' Joseph, Sain- if only for an and ichlas 6. Tf' you suspect that't a <ar is féol- and~ Nihla owing you home. at night, irlst#eaci of ini Wilmette. criving borne,dre to poelicehead.- roseph Balmes, j quiarters.. oq-iiiciier orceLsE a min iil'Iv 10 dancing. -raham of flloominlg- Iuesday of last week Daphne.1 daugh ter of 'the 'Harvev svisit with ber niece, Cràigs of 716 Lake 'avenue. enter- oss of 1321' Chestntit tainied sixteen guests ai a buffet din-. Iner' dance Sattirday.

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