Washi ngton's Birthday is the next meeting time of the Woman's club of Wilmette.. Recognition of it will bu found in the program arranged for the entire day. Dr. Hlilton Iia Jones,, Ph. D., a resident of Wilmette, a man distiniguished:,ut the world7 of. science1 is to give the, address of the afternoon. A war veetea, a former *legion commnander, Mai. Ferre C. WVatkins, and Mrs. F. M. Tuckermlail w'Ill be the morning speakers. Sôngs and patriotic cerernony will complete *the meeting, arranged by the ex-serv- ice cùsimmittee, public -%welfare commit- tee o1 the philanthropy depaetmenti. and the child and home del)'artiment. Major Watkins, whose talk, will open the morning programi at 10:30, o'clock, is a former state commander *of the Amnerican Legioni. Supple- mentary singing -will be by Mrs. 1Ftlgar;A. 1Fellers of Wîinette. wlro has received her musical training at the Chicago Musical college. NI rs. R. M. Campbell is ini charge of thiis part of the day. At 12, the public welfare programi will commence witli Mrs. R. C. Kirk-* patrick chairman and Mrs. F. 'M. Tucicerman the speaker. Mrs. 'rucker- man is very well known to club woxn- en aIl over the State of Illiniois }by reason of her years of servicein con- Photo by StantonWiht î, I itoi! ra oies alocal tiuojisman. knoîjiozt'n 1wcoui<flbv over for his cabptoil tY b -put .ri.im-tlas mb n 'c da v Ian - gulcg, wiII s/cak he forc the U'oni- inS O Olof Il 'iIiicýtIr IITcdi)csday.v FebrarY 22, on (ext Sisterh, postponed xrom I uesday evening ut- last week. ýMiss Clara MacGowan, as- Mrs. James P. Gillies, 1148 Oaklev, sistant professor at Northwestern uni- avenue, Hubbard. Woods, will enter- versity, will give a talk on "Interior tain the Skokie -Valley:chapter of the Decoration,"-and Roy W. Cooley, of D. A. R. for its next meeting Mon- Evanston, wil1 give introductory com- day, February 20, at 2:30 o'clock ini ments while a dietitian from: bis Cup:L the afternoon. Mrs. C., S. Jackson board wiIl demonstrate the preparation wvil1 be assisting hostess. of fôods. ThKational Defense prograna ,will Miss MacGowanis a graduate of the> be ini charge of Mrs. H-oward Hodg- University of Washington where she kins of Keniilworth, in the absence OIbtained lier ýdegree of masterý of fine of, the. national defense. chairilian. arts. Followinig this she continued lier Mrs. David DeCamp. Dr., John D. work in painting and studyinig within- Watkins wvill give ah illustrated; talk. ternationally fainous tmasters-Andrc Dr. WVatkins is V'eteran' of the Ai- L'ilote and Fernand Leger in ýParis b ulance Field service withi the ,A year ago she made a study of Greek French aàrînY,,an(1 holds a comtits-sîun and& Byzantine art, visiting the famous as Captaini of, Military Intelligence archeological sighits ini Athens, .Kno.ssos, reserve, United States army. Triyrns,, old 'Corinth, Daphuâe, IEensis, Mrs. liV. A. :Nabors, Mrs., George and IstambuI. She also investigated the T'.,Leachi,NIrs. J. K. Farl ey of Kentil- art of these periods as represented in worth, vicergnadMs . the museums of Vienna, Munich, Dres- Jackson of WVinnetka, regent, ali of ~deny Berlin, 'Paris, and London. IlSkeV alley chapter P'attendeïl 'the In addition to tliis researchi Miss Animal White breakfast of the (eu- MNacGowan painttd many water colors eral Henry Dearborn chapter Satiir- (if these historic places, and present (lav day, Febrtiary Il. The Gold ballroom sýcenes in the Near-East. Shie ha., had of the Colngress hôtel was filled \\Itlî several one-man exhibitions of lier o hundreds, of. white clad D.). X.R. and wvater color paintings in. Pari-,. Shie assembled to greet the presidlent- lias also'shown her works at the Chi- general, Mrs. Williami Russell Mag- cago Art institute; Knoedler's gaîleries, lia, guest of honior, and mnany d(is- the Chicago. Woman's Aid, and other ottgeislied nation, andsate oticrs prominent galleries in Chicago. Herofte raizto.Ms Cars w~ork is also well known to local north WV. Shearnian, regent of the lio>t<.ýs Jia L-t- 1_jchanter. welconidthe oiipests t h Ch.arles M. Eivans. Tne Salute to the Flag and the reading of the Club Collect will then- be in order be- fore Dr. Jones gives bis lecture on SlfM anagemient." The afteriioon 1)rograin is in charge of Mrs. Ray S. Warren. D r.' oties coincs %withi the authority of vears of research in the chemiical laboratory to deniojistrate bhis beliei *Ah interestitng prograni Nvill start ait 2 o'clock at which Roineo Meltz, the prize minner of the Chicago Chul- <reni's Piano Playing tournamnent, Nvill play and Mrs,. Shieindel Hal- I)erini Resnick, the wife of the mutsical director of the jewish School of Education ivill sing. Shie mrill iivetwo 1zrnîîns of Tpush and ests in art organizations. She ;s th- president of the Arnerican Frik !s of the Austrian Werkbund, and secrciary of the Chicago Society of Artists, wvhich is the oldest art organization in the city. She is also a member of the board ('l directors of Audac, the American Ln;ion of Decorative Artists and Craftsmen.. To uaoauians, Nlite meVIIuIlU-een the wyhite snow-covered streets of Cuica- go, aIl conibined to make the ocso mnemorable. The Oriental. quartet încludcd pa- triotic numnbers among the songs given delightfully in the interludes. T'le Skokie Valley chapter.calî s at-. tention to the following 1). A. R. radio programs over WBBMN: February 20, Mrs. James H.- Jack- son, "Local Spots of LIistoric Initer- eýst.' lectures. After hearing him j udge ndysterious forces* of nature. whicli Marcus Kavanaghi of Chicago is surround us and of which we know, quoted as having. sad, "His illustra- so littie. I wouldn't exchange what tions open, so that a child cati under- I learned frorn the lecture for a good stand: themn, a, view into, the vast many dollars." Mrs. Lb road, Kci lunchelion1 is Bouchard, 222 lworth, gave a edniesday of last O.xfiord bridge'r wveek.,ý Ceadie Lancheon Mrs. Charles Henmry Brown, 609 Lake avenue, was hostess at a Cradie vanishing luncheon a weekago Tues- day. She entertained at luncheon for e