Many possible' actions have been suggested by others, amông them be- ing that the, convention noiinate 1n0 candidate for president of the Village board, thus endorsing the candidate already, nolninate(l by the "Village PaLrty," or at least leaving hini free from competition. -it is mvy belief that' such a move would be.. suicide, and restit. in conplete. defeat of the aims and. objects _of. the harmony plan. The "Vý'illage Party" lias shout- eddefiance not onily to thé Harmony Convention -t)ut to- ail other parties or factions. To surrender to. that attitude, of disregard for, ail groups but its îown Nwould be to lose the côn- fidepce and -support of a great rnany ciien ho.are, expecting..better things of the coivelitioni. . It wotld be wiser to nominate 'a full ticket, with the exception of treasurer, and WILL GIVE GRADE TEA The motliers of the seventh grade childreil of St. Francis school will have a tea next Monday at 3 o'clock at Mrs. Williami H. Dillon's, 126 Ox- f ord road, Kenilworth. The speaker will be Dr. James Young, a gracluate of the University oi Irelaüd, who will discuss "Books." Assisting hostesses open to t-a middlIe of the road policy and no equivocation.- As a supporter. of the harmony plan 1 sin- cerely. hope that course %vilI he pur- sued. Very tridy yourg, -Vox Pop. MO' -V I N G GOSH!. Wasn't 1? a Grand Gesture? Y OU know the gay twenty- eiglitsand nines -whien' the Slioreline man at your door wvas told-«Your best cleaninig for everything 1" .-UNDER THE-SEA"e Also Selected Short Subjects and Laiest.Thrilling Episode of > "éTHIE DEVIL HORSE. S PECIAL NOTICE.: Duetothe- fact f/uit this picture wiII only play one day the ýVARS 1 TY iiiiopen at 10:30 Satuirday mporning. Showès..:continuou s to midnight. Thé Varsîty Theatre Inaugurates Suinday, Feb. 19 For This Occasion We Will1 Present Miss Katherine Dudley, 414 War- wick road, Kenilworth, entertained twelve guests at a lunchieon and linen shower Th ursday of last week in hionor of Miss Frances Buck of Evanston whose engagement %vas an- nounced recently. M~r. anid Mrs. E. Earl McDowv, 161 aregretful pocketbook,. bow to the 1 ini That hurt -- fot getting al youir cleaning we once did. So we met the condition byý installing our Tlirift Service for the plain, w'orkaday things - as uisual-it's the LN- lNu .J's Stage fiE SýON i. I Triumph m Spain"