inakes. lier screen debut withi Charles Laughton, Bela Lugosi, Richard Arien, * and. L.cila Hyams in "Ilsand of Lost * Souls." movie version, of ýH. G. Wells' crie novel of experipment and adven- ture. ýwhich. cornes to the 'reatro 'del Lago this Friday and Saturday. The "Panther ýVoman"', is 01e of the' nio)st important characters ini the story Of the skilled scientist driveit liaif-mnad hy bl ,is,.f rantic desire to turn animnais jito men. She, is the most perfect, tbe mnost successful of bis. cmations. Laughton. plays »the role of the scien- tist.: with Arien as a young Amierican %who bas* been rescued front a ship- wreck and. marooned .on the Southi Seas island. which is th enter of i.augh- tons efforts. Arien is horrified at: the beast-rnen the doctor bas, produced;. is * hocked beyonid endurance when lie1 ti'ncs the beauteous girl. nh a nary pu1ceeded, in wining hlmi froni his ,Wveethecart, is rrerelv atiother oi .Umgh- tr'n's creatures. Speciai Matin.. Featur. At the Saturday inatinee, F'ehruary 1,l>. the feature wiIl be Zanie Grev's *idHorse Niesa" insteadl oi 's-i ]itnd of Lost Souis." Randolph Scott,1 Siliy BI ane, Fred Kohier. L.ucille La VenCbaricy Grapeu-in and Jim Tl'orpe. Carlisle Indian football star, plav the Ieading roles ini'WJ Horse .Nesa." The story . revolves about Scott, who ' The film is one of the mnany unusual scenes miade in japan by Edwar d Venturini, ace Hollywoodi camnera-! man, durIng six weeks he spent ini the land of the RisÎng Sun, securing atrnospheric shots for use in the mo-- dernized screen version of the treas-i ured romance,. ýMadame Butterfl-,.". William Powell Isn't So Suave'Any More. WMýilliamî Powell takes a drop In: the social scale. ln the Wartier Bros. pic- ture, "Lawver'Mi. The usually poIished, and ultra 'correct 'Bill takes the roie .of an Eas.t Side New York iawyer in the 'Production, lis ciothes are flot so natt y as thev usuallv are and he actuaiiy dunks his bread stick in, redý wine. nuch to the embarrass-. ment of j6an Blondeli who plays is v' alter Huston is magnificent in the titie role. HiS. portr aYal.- critics agree, bas poignant tenderness, awkwvard charmà, and a sense of' bumor that saves it frorn sentimentality. Appearing. in. the. able supporting cast is. Henry B. .Wýaiball, star, of "The Birtb of -a Nationt," the film .wbich estabiished David Wark Griffith's fame as the foremost Movie producer in this coun- try. Dignity, tenderness and, a soemn,. prophetic beauty in, the unfolding of a life* story. make "Abraham Lincoin"' one of ' the very finest of audible films. Stephen: Vincent Benet, Who wrote the epic, poýem of the civil war, '!John Brown's Body," is,, responsible for the exctellent dialogue. .~. u.. ~ la>. iStanley Fields Thrives George O'Brien Stars 1 s Viltain of Pîcturc inZae re s toy Thirty-six roles in thirty-s nxonths is the record of Stani, George O'Brien is said to give onýe Fields. perhaps the outstandii of the best performances of his screen 'bheavy." Fields bas compi< career iii Zane Grev's "Thle Golden ed bis tbirty-sixtb role with the pla West," bis most recent Fox picture. ing of a villainous sea captain in tl ie plays a dual role. First be ap7 %weird picturization of H. G. WXel pears as a vouth just out of college fantastic storv. "The Island of E and in love witb a soutbern beauty. 1MNoreau," ,Nbich will reach the scret After a lapse of twentY years, ealled as "Island of Lost Souls." The ca for by the script. be is seen as a of thiNý unusuai picture includ, leader of a tribe .of Indians and again Charles. Laughton, Bela Lugosi. Pie' Thurs.. Fri.. F. 16-17, 1st showing JACK BUCHANAN in 1MGIC NIGUT" Mickey Magur.Co. y- S.t*f, Boop Caroon.. News Sot, .fb., le G.o. O'Bri.n in Ze. Gray's Lloyd Hamilfon Com.dy m Cartoon . . . News Sun.. Mon., F.bý. W920 in " THE RINK' Cartoon end News Tu-.. W.d.. Fib. 21.22 ifa band of outlaws to capture others if the wiid horses in their brutal traps. Sylvia la "Butt.rRly" Býlack-eyed Sylvia. Sidney. eycbrows ,lanted and hair iacquered. piays the title ole ini "Madame Buttefly, - mod- erxized, screen version of one 'i the most treasured romances of al. timýhe, \wIiîch shows at the Teatrc :de[Li:ago "nI Suinday and M'onday, Febmuamy 19' anmd 20. £?arv Grant. Charlie Ruggles.. S......aui.. dliicli - ----vvJ%- A rP JILAj,, sacrilege committed bv a High Priest "Goona-Goona," feature picture com- of Osiris .and a Priestes;s of Isis. A ing soon to the north shore. is said to British archeological expédition un- bave many educational traveiogue val-. earths the rnummiv of the priest who ues as well as an interesting story. had been embalmed alive as a penalty ---- for bis crime. \\'lien a sacred scroil is unearthed. the iiniimnw cornes to lu e. hringing to the modem ' orld hiiCOMMUNITY ancient occuit secrets. He discovers the reincarnatedsoi fhis unholy H U J love in. a beautiful Angio- EQvtan 1 Adulits I5ne Cidrem Ife February ý2. "6The Mummy,". conceived by Nina Wilcox Putnarn and .Richard Scbayer and adapted to the screenhythe, ernin- EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEI 5300 Block-Sheridan Road CHICAGO Tfel "Frisci piin Pool Murs " madame1 F.b. 23-24 *rfiy'