- - --.---Laa wi**c*l...lectn norgnleletrby Lincoln enced Lincoln so strongly against deci- whiichdescribesthcase htsa sion lucass bsedupo cicumtanicopy of which appeared in. tbe Sundity çvidence, but he'offered a. unique and- Times. plautsible solution to the' case. Dr, Roger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Davis, 111, of Chicago bas giw- Oliver R., Barrett, Abbotsford* road, en added assurance tbat the solution is Kenilworth. He is a senior at New thoroughly in keeping. wirtb the0"si- Trier and is planning to.go to Princeton bilities of the case. university in. the fail. Me.. Barrett is Geta Key te Story internationally, known for bis interesting Reading the "Life of, Lincoln" by collection of letters, .nIanuscripts and WVard H. Lamon which lie found among irst editions. bis father's famouis collection of Lin- coln manuscripts. and letters, young Barrett Came ujion this 'paragrapb : "Iii the summer of 1841, Mr. Lincoln was. i C ntral-Laurel engagedin a curious case. The circum- 'PoT.eA stances impressed him very deepfly 'with AI the insufficiency and danger of 'circum- stantial evidence,' so much so, in fact, Founders' Day .%ill bel observed that he not only wrotethe accotant of Tuesday, F'ebruary 21, at 2:30 o'clock t toSpeed (1inolWs, oommat inin he Ii _I1 yfflmtia 'fi. 'Thé eakà1er t Springfield), but ànother more extended wiIl be Dr. M. H. Bickham, supei- one wbich appeared in a newspaper at tendent of Central Placement Buir- 1 Quincy, 111. Ifis niind %vas full Of 't; eau for Handicapped Workers and lie could think of nothing else." head of relief work for Cook cotiîtv. This intrigued the young reader and. Dr. Bickham will tell "how relief OfI 13arrett was determined to findid f pos- l carried on." id1 sible this newspaper accounit. In conse- .. .,v: later, .t ve to Sr, E. Re progle the P. T. A. MrOs. Cliti t L. Darling, 1538 If ighland -aven-le, agai .n, heaids .the, committees in charge of thse znnual mas-t of t/he Womnns club of 1'il- frmete di.ethisw "Cr wUlt av Ùt tlirce-day s e s s i o n Wedssesday, T/sursda y, anid Friday, Marcis 15, 16 and 17. Mrs. as members re Mrs. Dav- i Mr. Keeler, who was a -Chicago valve manufacturer, made annual trips to IHawaii with bis family. He had gone there for fourteen consecutive Winters, alnd, prior to tbat had. visited the island four tinies. Because of bis regular >Visits be was, elected king of -the Honolulu Comebaclc club. Some years. ago Mr., Keeleir.-was treasurer of- the Americàn Water- works association. He was active 'in Masonic..circles,- being a 33rd degree, Mason and a Khigbt Teniplar, and beld. membersbips in several..clubs, includin g tbe Shawnee Country,. Union Leaguç and Briargateý Golf. Surviving hlm are bis widow, Mrs. Maucie C. Keeler, one daughter, Mrs. Wallace L. Miller, W27 Lake avenue, Wilmette, and two. grandëbjîdren. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE No mail deliveries will be made ini Wilmetfeé on Wednésday, F'ebruary 22, Washington's birtbday, it was an- nounced this week by Postmaster Jo- seph E. Shantz, and the postoffice ivill be closed. The usual Sunday, scbedule ivili be followed, Postmaster Shantz said. Because of the. fact that Lincoln's 'birtbday felI on Sunday this year, that holiday was flot ob- served at the lo cal postoffice. The office reinained' open as usual on Monday, wben the holiday tvas ob- served leiaIv * of Illinois, honest and respected fârmrs writer must keep the children on aà P Miow, dancing;- Mrs. C. A. El-I1steakc ry on Saturday, Feruarv 4, or simple trades-people who drove into nervous tension frotta day to day w,,itîi dridge, exchange; Mrs. E. G. Low, tteIakWltnlde mn Springfield early in May together with haruni - scarumn tales, high - p'itchied.1 lunch roomn; Mrs. E. H. Freeman, din- those going fromn Kenilwortb wvere a f riend nanaed 'Fisher. The details at voiçes or wolfish howls ini order ta n om Mr.A f usse e.teMissJa axBraaH! * this point shov a general attitude of please the maoh? 'Tis said: -Titl room; Mrs. R. D. Oilar, candy; Mrs. den, Marjorie Oleson, "Buddy" and f riendliness and mutual interest. After pigs have big ears." tl A. J. Woodcock, food; Mrs. R. W. Helen Holden, and their escorts; Ca-, finingsuiabl ldgigs n Srinfild, Thehyseri ito hic SOIVHebig, thimble; Mrs. A. A. Davison, therine WVeiss of Wilmette, and t efo rng esui ta e dings iii Spring ield, Th e hy t ra nt fo. wi c s it' com forts ; M rs. Young,. o isehold; lMabel A nderson and V irginia Brad-, lh oore aedout toge a chl r nae trown from listenî,îth M rs. A. L. Fuller, tics; M rs. E. E. -ford of \innetkaý %ith their escort,. rio boutsthe town. A t ser ti weth in would again, prove the adage. Orner, gif s; M rs. C. P. Dubbs, chair- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * Traior oys retrne bu Fiher wasmana, Mrs. A. V. Grubn, co-cbairmnan Paul H. Davis, Jr., 256 W oodstock înissing. After supper the Trailors A cominittee is now checking the of c hina and ,w.y.. i... T- --- crime but the1 ler to "corne to", nîwing j leruary 21, atý the home, of ber on a bt caused daughter at 704 Rogers avenue, ICeii.- wilI sto ta get ý ilwortil.f is a sei ss trip to New sete bis son, C at Prniceton. vek Mrs. H. V. Greenwood, 1137 Ash- He land avenue. entertained ber bridge Who clubý at luncheon Tuesday of l week.