Matelasse Wooi Dresses in all the new pastel shades, and only •95 You will want several of Osae a this ,pce. On Sale Tuesday. Think of Buying a $10 Dress fori In all t.he new Spring Prints and combinations of prints and plain colors; also plain colored Triple Sheers. (IL Ask About Our 50c and $ 1.00 Specials This Week New Blouses g For Th W r1, 'c u ursday LISTERINE SHAVING CREAM, 25c ,value LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM, 35ç value 19C 19C NEW IES In all the new Spring patterns, special 59C each BOYS' UNION SUITS. Part wool, $1.50 value, long seeves, enkle length, . . c COTTON BLOUSES in the new plaid, $1 selling at the low price of 1........ . MISSES' COTTON BLOUSES. 65c -Sizes 8 to 16 ý........6 c MISSES' SILK BLOUSES in lovely plaids, sizes 8 to 16 ........... 2 Dresses for $1-00 MEN'S UNION SUITS. Mdum weight cotton suit LUTF"TEJ rst atonal DBank Buiug Phon. e m$.25 'pt. Store- v. * I si I