does Clnarles ftvan H-ughes scores of business and profe T:he popularity of a detectiv. for active minds is becatisei stittîtes one, form of mental - for another. It poses a probiq j(Atition-a problemn with no t on the réader's life-and'offe a* Contest and escape, frô,ni thé that surroundlhîni. The Wilmette P'ubli.c' library large collecti-n, of . stories boi and new, and is adding new oi the timie. Iteenàt Deteetive Stories 4'*anpbll-Murd er of C aroline B, Eberhart-White Cockatoiô * Jiorler-MY Lady Dangerousý LoWndes-Noveis of Mystery Philpotts-Brcid in the Bone Van -Dîne-Kennel Murder Caste W%'hite-Pit -Out the Light. 'Wiff-Murder at Endor Good Ones Not So New AIubrey-Fletcher--Duke of York 0s Mrîgers-House Witltout a Kev, Cl4i~rstertof-Ihnoee -eeof Ftvi Plirlktie-Murder of Roger Ackro c.ningon-Two Ticket Puzzlê '< rofts-The Cask i 'uyle-Complete Sherlock liglni * letcher-Middle Temple Mre 4 ;arrett-Friday to Mondayý flammett-Maltese Falcon I lart-Bellamy Trial Macdcnald-The Rasp 'Maso(n---louse of the Arrow * (>pcneim-Treasure 1Hou'e niof (jte~r-FrnchPowder Mystïr.v $ayt',rs 0.innjbus of Crim(- tion at the joseph Sears schiQoI in Ken- ilworthi, on an exploration hike to Cary last week-end. Skiing wvas noune tool gd, Mr. Townley and the bos found. Mý,ost of the snow, instead of stayitug on the hilîs, had drifted to thie hottolu. For this. reason a contemplatud ski hike for, Kenilworth boys was pos),tlponed Richard Hoqicll is a vicmiber of B'w Ie cà.it for "The Niith 'GU-est' ~yd the thrillina mystery the Sh.awiee Cou ntrv club Friday and Satzurdav evcnings, .ifarc/z 3 and 4. This zv'ill be the fii'st product ion of thec Play- ers this season. M ttin AtCathlcCu kaY EJ. TB. departzuent ofthtie \Vomnanus atiolic Cluib of Wilmiette Fridav afterniooni of last week. Thie richneiss 'of tlic state's historv becamne an interestixxg storv- under the fluent biand of rs Frank X. Tliale; a story whiose higli- lighits ýwere illustrated withl colorfül livinig pictures Posed l>v meinbers ; a story rea4 distinctly and well b.v Nrs. .Marshiall Keariuev; a sfor\ whose 12 pkçrr.'iti(I-cnileîuient was nimste. wvas struci< ty Stago's cal), which was going west ' on' Linden avenue., The force of the collision, caused F.etzers cab) to tip over. Fet zer was unhurt. ,Aîiothier vehicular accident occurred ýVednesday niorning, February 8, about .:35 o'clock. Whée'n the tow truck of .Miller and Miller Hjome Motor serv- ice, 732 T\velfthi street'w~as struck by. a, North' Shore - uie southbound train at the Elmnwood .avýenue crossing.. Thel truck, wïthGeorge Miller driivil'ig, was going east on Elinwood.. Miller was cut abourt the hecad, but escaped, serious injury, the police report. The truck wvas damaged hadly. BENEFITS WELFARE MNrs. E. A. Robson, 15-7q Forest avenue, entertained at a. Vanishiing luncheon Fridav for the benefit or the Keniilworthi Infant Welfare >- HOLIDAY FEBRUARY 2 Pupils at the joseph Sears school in Kenilworth will enjoy a one-day holi- day next Wédnesday. The occasion is ýý,ashiington's birthday. \Mrs. Herbert Mesik. 31 ý' road', Kenilworth. who lia.i been ser- iouslv illi wîthi a quinsv sore thiroat for a mnonth, is r-ectiperating satis- factorily. W"ashington avenuie. Miss- tates. was en route to -New York and Panama. -o-. Mr. and 'Mrs. George E. $hipinan. 432 Warwick road, Kenilworth, en- tertained eighit at a pot-iuck dinuler, last Satulrdav. the pictui.vs very elïeetively and dra- MIiss Loretta Wlhite of 310 Rich- ipond road, Keniiworth has been chosen as "Miss Northwestersi' and zvill re /'rese nit tlt school in the Charity bail b l'e. hed in the A ragon ballroorn, Chicagio, Priday, Februarv. 17. One of six candidates chose,, by student jtudges, Miss N~'hlite va.s selected for the tit/e bY, a firoup of promiitent Chicagio C. and N. W. Woman 's Club Plans Big Dance The fourteenth annual benefit ball and card party of the Chicago & North Western Railway Womnan's club williec held Saturday night, Fe bruary- 25, in1 the Louis XVýI bal room of the Hotel Shermnan, Chicago, the proceeds. of which will be donated oi ieiraay.i mjýtu ý-wim Knstied, designedi, !lnd made * Betty Weber, anci exhjbited i Uli ~L~ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Lundahl, The spirit of TIIinoisý brougbt - the' for some month.. ini Chicag( 224 Raleigh road, will returnl to Keu- finale with yeiiow-halred Agnes Thale Mrs. A. W'. BoYIestoîi was in cag of religjct I'n robe of white holding high the Yei- of the entire prg ai-flàd Mr. e ilwortha Sattirdav foni a two weeks' iow and white torch %%îthý ber back- lMatts, z.Arth ur*.onnad î h is visi te ermua. rnund the Amèiirican Flag. $à ended Harr'y Klein. were hoetesqes.r. piti i iCieiti. d meiC L1 o). Mir. Bradburni i us eduication andl Congregational c rector sic at ,h of