au 'fPi.. Yrks vs. State Bank , Hfoward; 9 . PI. Hëffmanns v's. Bas- loeteer.4, Stoip.ý Wedie.mday, March 1-ý7 p.m. Yorks vs. Bai.keteersHoward. 8 p.m. Meëthod- lots vq. 'Hoffmann FiOrist, Howard; 9 p.M. State Bank vs.M . P. D., Howard; 9, p.m. Lynaîm Texacos Va. I. or C.. Stoilp. WedI)eoday, March 87p.m. Yorks Va. Roffménn Fiorist, Howard; 8 p». State Bank va. Ls'nam Texacos. How- ard; ,9 »pâ.. M.y. p. D. vs. Basket- eers. Howa rd;* 9 P.m. Methodists v. K. - 0 C., Stolp. Wednesdayi Mareh 15-7 p.m., State Bank Vs.%ietliodists, o rd8p.. M. Y. * P. D. vs, Yorkfs, Howard; q. p.m. K. of C. va. Hoffmann Florlst, Howard; 9 Basketeers vs. ýLy- naru 'rexacos, Stolp. Wednesday, March 22-7 p.m. Yorks vi. Lynarn Texacos,, IJowaxd;- 8 Method sv.Bas keteers, oad 9 p.-m. State Bankc vs. K. if .,How- ard; 9 pan. M. Y. P. D. vs. H-offmann Florists, Stoip. %Venemay.'.Narch Uw,7 pa Basket- éers vs. K. of c., Howard; 8 pa. -A State Ban~k vs. Hoffma~nn Florlat, Howard; 9 p.M. . . . D. ve. Ly-. nam Texacos, Howard; 9 P-n .NMet- Odists vs. Yorks, Stolp. I-olloziiiiy l th orgau yrindt'r di" Wednesday .AprJI 5-7 pan. State Bank sodes in& the dr-iaai.,atioi of "F'v vs. Basketeer.s, Howard. 8 pjil. Hoff- Z lnanns Nvs. .Lyiamn Texacos, Howard; at the National College of Eduicatii 9 p.nm. K. of c. vs. Yorks, Hfoward; at .10:30 o'clock in thec îorniei, alii 9 p.m. Methodists vs. M. Y. p'. I-., P/ayers wil ive t/us vear': prod,(cý Stoip. -- - "1B" LEAGUE. M1EX'% BASK1ETBALL I (Ihird Rounid) I Tuesday, February 21-7 p.m. Winberg At W oman' Club Dtngs vs. St. Francis, Howard. 8Dan in ail the different fields of read in g htithas been difilcult to choosc the Most necessary, Mis Whitmack says. New Fiction 01 Importance- CoZzzens-Tbe Last Adamn. Main sîreet in Wa mailiNew- f Ieglaplî.l town.: Jntere#3ting technaaidevice o? ieearing al about the .iubabitant'- .through the teléphone opera tor. Zhric--odesAngry Man. Wlih nusual powver and Iffiagi:atlni this historlcal :flovel tells: un1311- pa~ined prose the sto yOf John B.rown . the .abolitlonist, afalliti moved by a burning F'airbankýBrIght Land. Qilivier-Mtr. Chilveisters aughtvi,. Patersoný,%;ever Ask .the End. A noVel of xniddie-aged.wonien. .iind men, whoÉe earlier lives have 1tt themi burned. out of eVerlythlng buýt the desire to *enJoyr the present. .ae1snemer-Tropical Wintel'. J)Lowndeisia-Ducheqss Intervenes. ~ Ward-Marrîage of WiliIami Ash,. Cham»berlaln...Parewel to Reforni. c.rcihAn able but skeptical historian, loou- ng at Political and social ireternu or TheyGre~"'the past forty years, characteiizï.-, Febritarv 8, his view, by thé'ubtite of the book. The Student **the rise, lite and decay of thi. progressive mi.nd i America." Moulton-Wai. Debts and World r- Derity. arid rgions The best volume yet published.oOhiii., theli roadi s onle of the< cLitt!t, Peppers and How. ioln il, Evanstûil Saturday, Id at 2:15 in the afferiooni, ltion for chlidreiz. --Luefla , ebruary 28-7 p.m. ,If-ornets 1British Ises or a fouir- %eeks' t boaIFt ~ 'l"ýi as a fticic ruji thei vIs-St.FranhiHowad; P-n. Hlis boaeg f amule, the leaf-eating Ser'Vice v:6. Van Deueens, Howard; Iride fro ite *Iiiie tte rnsbear froin which a birdeled ourl 1 lied tate brngsTeddy bears, andias bidehic kili Winberg Drugsq, vs. Y. M. C, one to 'the big scrub," "the bush,'1sae yfyn hgiit h i Wednesday, Mareh 1-8 ipni. Hoffmann.s and. "the neyer-neyer' country" of with theni and dropping themi to the t.Anerican. Leglon, stolp. Australia which Capi. .Kilroy Harris, ground. The murderer laugh long Tuesday, MNarch Î7 p.n. Van Deusen.% vs. St. Franci.s Howard; 8 p.m. His'ý an Atustralian, a \Vorld War liero, and loud after the death of his vic- Service vs. Hoffmnann Florists, How- an author and ;a lecturer, painted ro- tns ard ; 9 p.m . H ornets v 4. W inberg eA o i i e o t P i ii e Drugs, Howard. mantically with words and motion Aoigthe ot imiofthveco-] WednesdaÀy, March 8-.y. P. c. vs. picture slides at the afternoon pro- .Aogteaoiie ftecn Ainerican Legion, Stolp. tgraî aretoefothepimitveutyes c Tuesday, Mfarch 14-7 p.m. His' Serv-. ~ Vt iet retems rmtv ve Contain srp iing acts abouit Allert- can hour-Ï cndiîtiOns and discuiQs<ý future Possibillttes and Progres.- li Industrialization Of house manuific- ture. P hios(oP I, S ocioi gY an d E coo f irr Aritt-The Child from One to Twelve. Santay ana - Skepticism. and Animal 1faith. Gýregry-0old Standard and its Ftiture-. Stimpson-Tax Rackiet and TaxRfrn In Chicago. Barnes-Eattîung the Crime Wtveu. Gillin-Taining the Crimlnil. wasure isJaifî inth tropical areas s t the Dartm J reasred fot il' iniches but ini feet 1 last week-endj. tg assa, was a g outh Winter ýcari Warrenl Pease, 320 Leicester Kenilwvorth, wiIl entertain ber club next Tuesday for lunch- 1 éon.~ ii~