YOU'1 h TheDemu reNew Neck li nes and Di versification Cos s ack Or. Regul:ationI. 95 'P )lacks,,,Naues, New ,Higb Shades- Sizes for Juniors, Miises,. Womet) You'l, ogre. that never have 4rock fashions been, so diversified, so universally charm- ing, and s0 undoubtedly rnoderately priced. In this notable collectio n of dresses you may select a sprightly print or an .qually delightful solid color Cr p. wth perhaps a contrasting trim, a touch of whte, or a printed bow. Dozens of clever models Lovely greenh, browns and reds ' run rot in this group cf suede jackets whick smart women sponsor for mm.diate and Sprng wear. The Cossack mode! boasts a stand-up coller andi tvelte.buckled hips. The re43ulatiof stye, a littie more con- seryfitive, but equally smart, fea- tures the ati-around- bel it h buctd. trim. Szes for both women and misses. It is seldom that so utili- tarian a garment is, at the same tfime, 50 decidedty good-looking. WJEOL A THE WHOLE FAMILY PROFITS DY WIEDOLDTS SAVINGS CLUB! On IDavS.Street, 11O0 Sof t Suede Jackets at .95 . the