reai celight. Added satisfaction, tôo, camle fromn the- choice of prograru itself whici] in refraining entirely froin.. even a - suggestion of the stereotypéd, whetted anticipation 'for ità songs of many patterni. The audience n Wilm)ette was privileged .to hear for the first, tiîme on ýany stage, ."At Sundown," thé song-written bY Arthur Dunham., noted Chicago" musiciani, comiposer, adteglee club's conductr hc he dedicated te that Véry able or- ganization he directs. Noelsim all part of the finishedperfo)rmiance was due oM'r. Dunhamn for the exýceptionallyý finle training he hasgiven the, Glee club, and to Wiliaàm Sumner, acconIý- panist, Who gave able and, expressive support to the Glee club and Mii- (lame Sharnova. The tir-e progran iicldtfd gogs that varied from the religious and spirituai themies of the openîng group of Old Gerrnan, Bach and Hiande' number s. to opera arias, folk song tvpes, and to modern English. Highlighte of Siuging Shining out of the Glee cdulbs presentatioris as highlights were- ex- cellence of tone quality, whether swelling to almost dynarnac fortissimio or diminishing to exciuisite. ligit Positive of the. interest they injected into their singing. The GIee club en- cored several of its numnbers as ap- plause demanded, and, as another en- core, gave their soft and tender in- terpretation a cappella of "Old Black bOe." Sonia Sharnova, black of hair and eyes, graciors, charniing, made a statèsqe pctue i he re vevetj "Thé« Ninth Gliest," oite of tisose bi'.e ath-tak igg, blood.-cir dliîig .myjýst ery plays, wiil be given by tiie ShawMI-ee. PlaYéers o;» t/w cîveilikgs Of JMarch 3 and 4 and Shazvsteg Couittry club. T/w m-em-lbers of the ca-str; Piclîired aboVe, arc as foliozis: scated (readiîîg froinîle! t to riglit). Carol LazvrencL'..Stafi- h'y Post. -Maryi Cook, and MIyrie Torconi; standing. Pick Ho7ceil, John 7'hortbi-rn, J1'aldo Pis/r, and Gordon Huntley. - Hihrs P.T A Assumes Chicago Post "News Dr. Jul jus Novak, miedical director I - - iof the Chicago Tuberculosis institute, the and one' of the physicians-in charge at The Parent-Teacher association of1 the.h Wilmette Heaith center, lias as- L-ighcrest school liad its regular meet- sunied temporary charge of the clinical in- in the school auditorium on Feb- examinations of the students in, the ruary 14. Miss-\IcCotinoughey, music (-h,,iyb - hEr-i-- fi-l severai quartet numbers. Miss Hazel Beck an-d her brother, Chiarles, played several numbers on the guitar. -J ne E. Brown, and Charles Beck enteitaitîed with a group of selections. Mi;ss Gladys Harrison gave a few entertaiin- ing readings. J. R. ýHarper, super- intendent of schools, spokc on the im- portance of keeping the schools open .. a-r the emfcîency, cleanhînfess, and. f riendliiness at the center. The atuios- phere is one of scientific thoroughness comibined with, human understanding. And the. ecénomy, with which they operate conVinces. me that every c ent. that- the north. shore* auxiliary con- :tributes.,to its sÉupport wilihe W'ellý The iminediate ineedsý at the' centier are for f unds to assist iii its main- tenanice and for layettesý for the lie% humi baby. An average of tësiibabies4 are delivered each day by the> center% . staff and a large percentage, of. the-se have ino clothes vhatsoever. The North Shore auxiiary. niewly formied last -week at, a meeting at the JGeorgianl hotel, has alrea dv more, than a htundred active memnbers h are busy outlining its activitics lfor the coffing Irwonth. 'Ithe îiext ireetinig (t the auxiliary will ,be- held on Tuesday ai ternoon at 2 :30 at the Georgiani hotel. Tea will be served and Mrs., Wýilliam Phillips. Jr., vice-presideut of the South Shore Serv- ice league, will speak to the mernberý about the work which her group has been carryinig mi. Regular meetings after this: wil be the third Tuesday every nionth. Among the north shore niembers o i .F' L..ý "Ilui-cil 11 lit "aKtilCftda, anai LLs. igh 'sehool - - - Shrmian I8aornetof Glencoe. î corge Wagner of the mnedical the Chicago Tuberculosis in onyJw lySoe t aking Dr. Novak's place aàtM Y e r t oHom Ith center, Dr. Wagncer wil l i BurgaryofH m ýrge of the chest clinics. Olme lhunclred dollars ini cash, a worv- aiîs wrist watch and a bracelet u~ere 3MO Car Owners - stolen f romn the Arthur 'Watson resi- 5!.... y 1iT dence, 2116 Chestnut avenue, 1a'st Mr. and NMrs. H. G. Keinper. I l26 Chestnut avenue, left Mondav ýfor Miamni, Fia., on a Pl ,FIa.. tsreitp to Iweek's business trip to Dr road, is 1 Mis. WilIis Nance, 512 IFifth street, ay on a will entertain her bridge club at inneapolis. luncheon Friday.