Deadlne tr Insrtiot-,asifled advertisementa will b. ýac- for Insertions ý 9 . M fo 1jW I ETTete LIEpr tothe* Tudegday 9 P . o DIMT P.'oralthe apr;Wenaay9RM. for WENN KA TULK and. Thuroda.y 5 P. M. for' Gl[,NCOE NIWS. Telephone.: Wl.lmette 4300. Winnetkta.3000, Greenleaf-,4300 or t3heidrak 6 coo. Hmemore than refs. Lincoln 3598. ,TN42-ltp GENERAL WORT<. COLORED. ýNORTHj Shore refs. $l0-$12. Stay nighLs. Ph. D.avis 89325. 68ILT42-ltp F'IRST CLASS -000k. CAN -QIVE , North Shore references. Ph.,WilI-» 'j mette 1170. 68L'14 2-Itp s. LOST *aNPOUND OL.D SP.NNISHMZ.EDALLION -BRACE- let, opal centers, red stones, enamnel; lost tin Wilnette, Winnetka, or l- eoe. Reward. Phùone Wlnneétka 2297., 3L42-ltp LOST I RISH SETTER, MALE, 10 months old. Reward. Phi. Kenilworth 1498. > 3LTN42-ltp 5 BUSINESS PERSONAL The Barter Quesion BOX, wili Ilat anythlng you bave or want for sae. or trade. Also answer-s your -where to flnd it- questions. Have you a punch bowl for what.?, DOROTHY RIETHEIIER 255 Popiar Street Wlnnetka 2114 5L42-ltp la BUSINEMSSSERVICE DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME TO BE modern and safe? If so, have Collyer ail rubber, unbreakabie plugs on al electrie appliances. Price installed on any live appliances $1.00. Cail Win- netka 820 and have Harry Smnith do the job. 16LTN42-ltp WILM.NETTE 4181 GOOD CARPENTER WORK, RE- 84* LAUNDRY EXPE R. G 1RMAN LAUNDRE$S,. 1ST elass refàs., iâshes to take more wdnrkl îe. Cali Winnetka,3019. '34LTX42'-4tp) SPÊCIAL PRICES ON- LAUNlDRY %%ork. Fiat wvork, 1.c, per lb.; hand work, 23c. per IL Guaranteed servie. Ph. Wiliimette 3687. 34LTN42-ltc 40 MUStICAL sINSTRUMENTS PJANO >'FOR SALE -, $3,200 'rECK Duo-Art Reproducihg Granid, excellent condition, at ii fraction. cf oriiginali cost. Pli. Wilmette 445. 40LTX4'-)-ti) Paint, Paper 5 Rms. $34.50 13ANITAS. AND CANVASING WORK. Reas. Rrn. »apered, $4.50 and up; n;. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathrmn. enameled, $5; kitchen pain ted, $6; ceiling calcimined, $1.75 and Up; 5 rm. floors washed, scrubbed, -varnlshed or waxed. $8. Refs. Free estimates. Materiabi furnished. Wilmette 1258. 42LTN42-ltlp PRICES [LOWER- se _SITUATION WANTEO-MA^LE MvAN. 14 YEARS' WIL.MjETTÊ EXP., desires house cleaning, window wash- ing, floor refinishing, palinting, cael- rlmining, odd jobs. By hour. orý job. - A-I nefs. WValsh, Wilntette 2088. 69LTN42-ltpi HIGH CLASS' GARDENER, LIFE- tme experience.. A-i. refs. Marnied. No eblîdren. Phii ne, Euclld 1911. 69LTN42-2tp 7o suT. wTD.-MALIE AND FEMALE EXPERItENCED OOUPLMS White coupe under 35 yrs.-Man A-i1 driver and housemnan; wlfe flrst classQ cook; over* 5 yrs. with former em-, ,pl q~oyer. Excelent eferenem -Germaxi couple, each 32 yrs.-Man good *housernan, driver, gardener; wife goiod cook; 6 yrs. with present employer. Colored couples with excellent local references, Pauiline's Empil. Agencies 522 Center St. Winnetka 2662-3017 le for 2. C etka 2978., to transi). 82L42-ltî> 2 COXIFORTABLE -RMS. FOR REN T- 1 large and 1 small, very reasona&ble. Ph. Wilmette 1633. 82LT.N42-1te1 es WTDb. TO.RN-L.HSKPG, RMS.: DES14ABLE HOUSEKEEPING RMS. for sniail adulitfainuly.of refineinent. Must be reasýonable. -Write A467, Box, 4Ô, Wilmeëtte, 111. 85l.TNý42-Itî> 87 CAIRE.-OF CONVALEscENTrS COMFORTABLE HOME FOR CRN- valescent patients or, elderly people. Nursing care. ]Rea.sonable rates. Phone- W~innietka 1163.- 87,4'2-ltp P.EST 'HOM~E FOR AGED ANZD IN- valids. Nurse's ca.r(.-ail hourx. AIi,' experienced. with mental cases. Fir st, clas ftod.Ph. Wilhnette 509!è, 92 FOR RENt-APARTMENTS. EVANSTON'S FINE-T APARTFMEfT HOMES 1426 Chicago Avenuie 6-7-8-:9 ROO'MS 2-3-4 BATHJ.: Fireproof 8 sty. elev. bldg. Convenient ail trans., schoois, churches, shops, l~tltheaters, University and, the lake. Liv. rnis. 30xl8 wlth'fi replaces. Fine baths. Priv. gar. with day and night service. Tennis court. Garage, gas and elec. refrig. included. See Mgr. on prem. or phone Gre. 9412 or Uni. 55i82. 921.TN41-4tp, Rt.Roaches. - ba rga in. Ph. k. 06 45 PIAN~ 4. EXPERT Pl LI L'pright or grai guar.; 16 yrs. Thomas. Park dren, lare I '16. 44L4-l NG, $3 ýpair worki .Y.;, W, wANTrE-GIRL work, must likec responsibility.P week. Ph. Winr W-HI.TE, GIRL FOR - GEN. HOUSE- work .and cane of baby afternoons KRULL, & Sý AGENTS 424 Liniden Ave. M- 1T H WiIniette 50q) 92LTN41-4tp Chicago Town Homes 3240 LAKE SHORE DRIVE .AT MELROSE ST., facing Belmuiýnt Yacht Harbor. Chanming, ultra mtod- ern town apartmrents, 6-7-8-9-1 2roms. fte.osonable rentais. jui i NîX,-flp v ,,raneim u. Dt68L ('HLDRN -VIOLIN LE-SSONýS PEIZ 1)~RE E, fRELIÂBLE week, $1.00 in your home. Violinq girl for general housework, rented. Wilnwitte 3548, William Brann. ilig, gtod references. Cal - .ILTN42--'tp..22:14.. 68 Phn. V b eat, -a Mr. Schaefer, i ,rk. mot wate r ;0 .1onth. Pli. 90. 1 -