Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 3

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%Nr, ç tt. i.v8 Yt. fl..tA uislt.ssing ineL.L to-the-niinute problemns whichi now. confront the nation. It is:a notable fact that in the attenclance practiczýlly every church in this victity l has been represenited. These ."Groups" Nyill hold their forhsession Thursday evening, February 23, in the Community House,,of the Wilmette Parish M..ethi- odist,.church. The prôgramn will be- gin lat 6:30 o'clock with. a social hour and cafeteria difiner, to be served bv the: Fourth division, and that will be followed :by a short. service of worship under the- direction of Dr. Osýcar Thomas Oisonl.,the minister. POUder Social Trends At 8 o'clock' each of, the "Five Gxroups" will meet ini separate rooms. P'erhiaps the most important of these i< Group IN'," consisting of men and %vonl under the auspices of the, ensclass, which is considering the two- volume work, "Recent Social Trends." This is the report of. a nuniber of eminent scientists, who, ini 1929, were' appointed by President Hoover to serve on a Research com- mission to make 'a national survey of social trends in the United State. .lTe speaker on Thursday evening will, be Murray H-. Leiffer, professor of sociology at Nýorthwestern uni- and homie-prepareci are mnoderate in ail, a deemonstration of unîty andl price.. There is of c ourse no compe- Iuyalty in a commton- cause. It tition with- the. local stores. -In fact, isan indication uf a cummnunity thé rapi 'd sale of space to exhibiiors htko' o% shws tle, spjrit of o-oeration ex-thtkoshw oco eje isting betwepi the club and our muer- and is in the habit of doing ch'ants. things together. A style show will be gve n daily, a WeteyoarCthlcrPo- fortune teilerý will do. her best for Wehryà r ahlcoPo- you,, the white.elephanit booth will ývie.etnJwo.enie'w uno with" the, exc hange booth where you to woriship. We challenge you wha-hae-yu wll e tade fo to 1partiipâte somewhere in the or- what-hayoull rTe lowbe rabooth wiîîganized benlevolence of your home blossoni as neyer before, and ýthecty ver poula bok oot ~vll 11 n- Go to the church of your choice, told wants.: As an Ïnteresting side and 'ou will find something you are line, à: table of knicknacks, trinkets danger'of losing: reverence and gagesf rom andfrteCn n trust. You. will get. hold of tury of Progrese will tempt the smali something you badly need: courage] change from yo qur purse. and confidence. At a time when many *Supplies' and aide for the impend- have lost faith in the present. eco- iîig spring çleaning are to -be offered flomic system, question our political ~from sota1, tô apf0rs.The 'tfrmble tSdershipïesnd even dubt:the es- committee is. making most useful sential goodness of life, the Church ap runs, ini ail sizes, as well as avariety stands out in high relief as the bear- of children's dresses and suite. A er of a message to the souls of comforter will be shown as a sarnple me". She o«fers you anchorage in' of what the comittee is willing to the storm, light ini the darkness. a do in thàt lune and orders will be way of life and promise in an age of filled 'prompfly. Shining glass and confusion and defeat. The churches china, lovely sketches. possibly of of your conimunity place at your dis- yourself, and a host, of îovely articles posai sanctuaries for the spirit, for gifts and prizes niay be had at schools of character, agencies of irmy r<st l service, homes for the heart. a strong, Receipt' of an instaliment of $50,000 f rom the Reconstruction Finance cor- poration on. the. ban to' provide. for the construction of the. municipal water' plant made -possible, the beginning .of building operations.. The total amount of the lban is $580,. The Village',it is understood, intends to make requgests.fof additional 'funds from -timne to time as the money -is re- quired. Expdit. Conatruction Village Trustee' S. N. Tideman,; chairman of the sewer and water com- mittee of thé Village. board, reported at- the regular mneeting of the board Tuesday*night that the contractors have been notified. to this effect, su that each contractor will be prepared to.carry out his portion of the work with 'dispatch. The Owen Engineering company of Chicao haîthe ýgeueraF eemut 'fer the water works construction.* While the work of building the water plant is actually getting under way, the légal statue of the proceedings insti- tuted by the Shawnee Country club to get an injunction that would prevent the Village f rom goi'ng ahead witb the project remains thie saine. The Vil- lage has iled its answer to the' in- junction $uit,. but no iurther action has been taken by eitber the club or tihe ça go. assisted oy 'Cl.ark. 'iab>etts. The report on 'Recent Soialiu Trends" is the resuit of the înost coniprehensive SUrv-Ney ever made of ail the vital ele- 'mjents in a ehanging civiliza tion (>f an eTtire nation, In twutt-finie surveys it prta(tically -charts' the entire nation," ni an, accurate unbia.ed view as td) what it is-what it thinks and feeis in cer- taini vital respects-w-hat [t dm-,s and (Colitiniued on page 7) their triends, are invited. ABATEMENT ATrTORNEY At. the February meeting of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement dis- trict Thursdav of Iast week, Walter Rooney. of 51 Crescent drive, Glencoe,- was appointed attorntey .for the district. Essington & M.\cKibben were the at- tornevs last %-ear. own loss in you til tw 4ppreciate, iv use and enjoy the admirable facilities that exist at your very door for the uplifting and perfecting of your lives. Through Lent there wiil b. for vour advantage and profit services of unusual strength and appeai. In the' m orning each church will develop and serve' its own constittiencv intensiveI3y, i,4lvv zsuîvue avenue, wno was pres- ent at the meeting, complained that, ônly one Wilmette man wae being used for the pile driving work whîch started .Monday. The 'four or 'five others employed are flot Wilmette residents, he said. The contracts for the water' works construction provide that residents of' WilMette shall be employed 'for this The. Village Wednesday in ton's birthday. oneV 11 i megi campaign.

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