wluch has been curtauled by a not for reasons of economny. *During eight months of expfloration in Peru the members of the expedi- tion photographed. t1e ruins of the coast and the Sierra tiot only from the air but also from. the ground. * Hunidred.s of hours wvere spent in the, airpianes,:,sometimues at altitudes so high i t wasneces ary to bretefo oxgntanks;- wce-s. were* spent on mntileback o'e r the same rough traits that Pizarro's mn . trod four ceni- turies ago'. D iscover "Great Wall" A "Great XWall of Peru" ' vas, dis- covered andl photographed. the "Val- ley of Volcano0es" was exkplored and niapped, wecks ivere spent.., in the "!,osýt Nallev of the Colca," a valley. or tîny villages and huge churchek, i -orgo*tten since the oiniaJl jeriodof Perti. The two big monoplanes flew over and actually intci the craters of El Misti and Ubinas, famous South \mierican volcanoes. Landings were muade at elevations as high at 12,500 ieet, and the cameras clicked at al- titudes up to 24,700 feet above sea level. Photographs ivere obtained of glIaciers and snow-peaks tiever' before seen by a "gringo*". The roar of the, Reach Heart 'of Incas 01, this expedition, "Bob" Shippee was co-leader, geologist, and .histori- an: he pilted one of the airpianes. From thousands of> still pictures and rmiles of motion picture film,. he has >elected bis material for the, lecture_ tliat with -%vinged rapiditv carnies one over and into the verv heart of the. Lanid of the Incas. - Mvusic rage.ý...........Z New Trier.News .....22-23 Real Etate..........0 Society Page.. ..303 Northwest Men's Club, Holds Election Mar. 6. The annual dinner of the North-. west Men's club of Wilmette, will be held Monday evening, March 6, at the Xorrnatdy Tea room, ii 'n .Man's Land." The election of oficers and-comnmittee chairmen for the en- suing year will be field at that time. At the regular monthly meeting. in. February the following members. n,vtnra , , n4ai nc CIn.. n... tary, illiam 1Edmou1ds, Sr., 1925 Grewod avenue, and J. H. Devine, 2026 Kenilworth avenue; treasuirer, E. J. Falkenberg, 2010 Greenwood aveniue; public iniprovements com- mittee, R. E. Fielîman, 1920 Green- ivood avenue; welfare cormittee, G. F. Scherzer, 2135 Thormvood avenue; andanut-d y ea rs f. your youth. 1 Regular $1.00 Value $I1.00 a Today Phone K~Z 235 Ridge Road ONEW > SPRING DRESSES $.295 GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE HOSIERY- FRANCES TAUBE RT 183 WILMETTE AVE. GIorif y your 100 Bayers Aspirin 69 Tablets ........ 9 Armoq, & Co. Coupons PORK LOIN ROASTI l . ..... 1 c ' RIB.ROAST OF BEEF,Q Best Cutit lb. .è ....2 c'. I6thiand h4IiRibe, 23 -BEEF POT RAT 9 CALVES' LIVER, - Gemuine, lb ..... 38c.. BACON, Sliced, 59 3 lb.:9 PORK TENDERLOIN,38 IL.8t OX TONGUE, 65c l.gla4, j r : .. .. . FDAILSON'S8 MARKET? Ridge Avenue, Wihnette. Free Pihones: Dolivery Wilmett. *Service 2800-1-152 Phoneos;*-Wglaette 28-29 Jr$1