Th ils year's produlction was writtefl by Rollin B. Laughner, a junior in the school of speech, and most .of the musical nunibers were composed by Charles DIietz. a senior in the, school of music. Additional parts of the score were written by Ed Dierks., .',Virginia. Stone. and Robert ,Mc- Manus are côo-chairmeti of the student board of the show.j while Joe W. Miller of the university personnel department staff is general director, and stages the annual production. Wilmaette Girl in Lead. Mary Elizabeth Townsend of Wil- mette and Charles Apley ,play the tead- ing 'rotes in "Hats Off 1", while. the comedv leads are taken by Bill Bos- sart, Derby " Denson, Lès Scott, and Virginia Sanders. Other outstanding parts are portrayed bhr Pug Rentner Jimmie Evans, Hal tiunu. ini Hanan, Vie Stt; Mar~y Jeainne Tatil.t A- lene Hoffmnan, Stacy Keach, and Ralph Suindin. 1"Hats Off!1" is a fast-nioving, col- legiate satire, that centers around the Princess of Lavinia ('Mary Elizabeth Townsend), who enroils in. a modern university. The swift action passes through a registration scene;, the foot- bail team with Puig Rentner playing the. part of the football captain ; a sorority houise, a f ratérnity house, the presi- dent's office, and. at the junior prom.~ Charleston, W. Va. Larry Fitch and Don Campbell form Detroit will also be. present along with many othe r enthusiastic; cornpetit rs.: In additio to men's singles,., there wilt. be wo«- men's singles and meèn'sdoubles. So that everyone will have an ex- cellent vi ew ci tbe playing, raisqed sashave ben buitt aIl around the arena. It is bound to be: a-great sight,' and, from the large number of early reservations, the local sport fans wvilt be on, hand when the first matches- iget, under way. GOSH!, Wasn't Lt a Grand Gesture? YJOU know the gay twenty- iihts and nines -when the Shoreline mani at your door was told-'Your best cteaning for everything !" Specials for Thut. VvrL mdSt SATURDAY ONLY Skokm peieMbuichroenis Hlot From Our Ove». ]MKD AX Frest Cutvat.4 9 SLIýCED lb. box ....____IL__90_ BCG..$-cH I New Laid oguarn- t..d tActly fresta, Çhoice Wis'*osin 29 wus 2 dor- I~Lb..2 1 lita anadl 7tI hrita froua Women's Athletic association and the Men's union. f rom which is derivéd the name, "Waa-Mu." Each year the show presen ts "North- western's Most Beautiful Coed." Every woman in the, University is automatic- ally entered in the contest, and the judg- ing is done by a comnittee f rom the Chicago Art institute. The nýame cf That hurt - flot getting &,il your cleaning we once did. So we met the condition by instatling our Thrift Service for the plain, workaday things - as usual - it's the best for the money. ! 7c BACON Arniour's Sliced, h-lb. pkg . .... l Katharinie Dud!ley, 414 Warwicke road. Kenilworth. entprtained ber at tea last Tbursday. Suffar, cured bï.bneieas Milk fed for 6a I-romating, lb ....1. 6 e Fiesta CIaurned