NOTICE 0.F ELECTION TO THE VOTI'.*ýRS UO FIl OILG F \ILMETTE, COOK( COUNTY. ILIAINOIS: Notice is herebv gi ven thaýt tlie ANAîILAÊE4ETO il be he nteVLAE0 WIJIET, ont f okSat f lini,.o.Tues(lay, the eighteenth day of ýApIril, ý1933, foir the Iurpose of vîoting' foi- the following officers: ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE VILLAGE, TREASURER THREE. VILLAGE TRUSTEES ONE POLICE MAGISTRATE TWO TRUSTEES WILMETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct NO. Precinct No. Precinct No. 1-Polling Place: Village Hall. 2-Polling Place: Village Hall. 3-Polling Place: Byron Stolp School._ 4-Polling Placet. Byron Stolp Sehool. 5-Polling Place: 421 Fourth Street. MIIILER, Village Clerk