villagers wlo -arc fortunate enough to *be employedl. It is then ldistributed byý the B3oard of' Local Charities among needy familles of the.,village. Collections f rom the food barrels art made twice week.. The nurnber of, articles, takeri from the barrels at each collection iast nionth. follows: Fbu ary 3-104 articles; February 9-106;, Fehr uary 10=129, February 15-121; February, 17-48;>,February 21-61; Fehruarv 24-ý90I, and February 28- là cornmeting <î the cooperatiori of %NVýilmette citizens in the Chamber of iCommercefood barrel project, Mrs. Lillian D. Northam, social worker. .said: "'ur- liearts go out in a feeling of gratitude to the .Many Wilmnette people wvho, by their contribution-, to the Chamiber of.* 2Commerce food barres4 help to share the burden.of caring for the less fortunate ln our beautiful vil- *lage. XVe are caring for ninety fam- ilies-giving food, milk. fuel regularly. Without this hielp from the Chamiber of Commerce our food lists %vould lie ptflysmall." Mrs. Sarah L. Powers, 89 Years 01d, Is Deadi ;Mrs. Powers, although born - in Rhode- Island, hiad spent practically al lier lifetime. in Grand Raffids-since she %vas a young girl.. Besidès the daugh- ter in Wilmette, she is suirvived by another dauigliter, Mrs. S. A. Emery, two sons, Frederick W. and Frank C. Powers, and a twin sister, Mrs. Susan J. Young, 'all of Grand Rapids. Since last Thanksgiving, Mrs. Pow- ers ladbheen visiting hier daughiter in *,.Mca..,atét .fal, a nu4 ais)a mB ber of thie board of tax, appe als of Cook county.. The. Wilmette Home Owniers' association issues the following state- ment With regard to the meeting: "A cordial. invitation is,ý extended, to al Winmette property owners ta.attend this meeting,, for iris of utmost. li-. portance to them." The purpose of the meeting, it is announced, is to discuss the real estate tax situation. today. the Wilmette Home Owners' associa- tioni points. out, is forced to shouldcr 85 percent of the cost of govýernuient, end only 10 percent of the people own relestate., Mrs. Robert Lee M egowen, 197 Oxford road, Kenilworthi. w'ill enter- tain fourteen littie boys and girls Friday - ardi. 17, in. b9nor of, the third birthidav of bier soni, 13111e. Mfr. and Mfrs. Edwin Bluthardt, and daughter, Frances, .of 415 Essex .road, Kenilworth. have moved to Campus Tovwer, 1033 Loyola avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Foster Branison will entertain lier bridge club for luiicheon on Tues- day. Miarch 14. Woman 's Club Mari March 16, 17 Demonstrating the new MURLÉ STEAM WAVE- Phone F are purchased- ýYEL.L.W CLING .PEACHES ýNo. 21/z ting--Sliced or Halves' -Fill1 the halves with cream checse for a colorful lc end 'tasty salad-.. 17 6 for 89e PIP4EAPPLE JUICE Something- new to servýe for Breakfast-ýHealthful, as. wel as refreshing.2fo 9 N o. 2 tins 2fr9c FRIES4 LIMA 131ANS A welconie change. from the caiined variety, equal to one, pound in sheil, 9 Today 'ery inludea. COU NTRY, GENTLEMAN: CORN Ever comtbine it with cmnaed tomtos-Jt's ' . deliéions. No. 2 0 >. YI 7 WISCONSIN SIFIMD EARLY JUNE PUAS No. 2-S.weet and tender and moot attratvely9 ,4%à priced at ... L for M.c TOMATOES-hidiana M'iole Von tan lnuvsr.go- erng "Éerr ing hubby "Stewed tomato" with his dinner- e>icO No. 2 tins ..... for I7. Ivory Soap-Med. Se, Lge. .8 Ivory Flakes, Large .....1c Anm. Family Flakes, Lge. _39 Camnay . . . . . .. . .. .S Crisco, 1-1b. tin ...1.....19C FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Large size, deliciously 17c sweet and juicy, 2 for.. i DOZ. 85ce 725 Main St. GROCERIES,