Richaârd FI.ynq~ (captain-elect) and. Dick -Steen', who hiad Previously won lettersQý. were awarded certificatee. The 'following boysrcCv( bas- kethali letters: Heavyweightýs - Roger Ba r ret t, E-ugene' Belmont, Ralphi Buçklin, Ed Frazer, 'Va lter Gielen, Bob Hllquist, Sam LuensmaD, Cy ,\,acKiniiôi, Douglas Scott, Jack Sinding, and Tom (Bud). Thackery. Ligh~veghtsDonAnderson, Ray *Bartehnian, Don Campbell, Bob ýI)av- is, Bert Falkenberg,. Loren Green- .blatt, Chiarles Leonard;> Clyde M urphy * and Dick: Umberger. Thé senior manager of basketball, Lester Bratton, also received a letter, wile the two junior managers, Fos- Gilgis. and 1ick Torsiey,, were awarded ihumierais. Memibers of the freshmnen -sopho- * more basketball squad who received certificates and numierals were: Certificates-George Green, David Miler'and Carleton Ross. Nunierals-Grant Adanis, Hovardl * Bail, Bill Condy, Paul Dempsey, Janies Fitzgeral, George Laing, Ed M oe, Charles "Moreau, Richard Campbell, Phil. Dostal, Fred M Kener, WVilliam Snivder and Carleton \Vil-. Soli'. match, andathe scores were a,, good deal closer. than. those between J acobson and, Clark. In the-mèes; doubles Condy' was teamed with Car.lton: Prouty of Win- netka, and again. reached the sepii- finals. They were defeated by Ed- win. Lewis 'and Paul Pierson in an- other very close:. match. HOME, FROM WASHIINGTON4 Mr. and Mrs. Floward, W. Hodg- kins anldtheèir sons, David and WVil- cox, 431 -Abbotsford road. Kenilworth. returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit withi Mr.. Hodgkinis' motheF in Washington.. They attend: the Iniau- guration festivities. On Sunday,- March 5, they had dinner with Harold Watson and his two daughters, Anita and Louise, former residents of-Ken- îlwôrtli. *Mrs. George E. Shipman, 432 War- wick road, Keniiworth, ivili entertain her contract-duplicate bridge club next Wednesday, Marchi 22. M r. and Mrs., Grant Ridgeway, 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, en- tertained their evening bridge club for dinner on Tuesday. March 14, tâmes to gave sneài the greatest values for the leasi iui@tey. Come and take advautag. of ont great buying power ancd buy jour mes. WE HAVE THE GREATEST FAITH IN THE FUTURE0F. OUR COUNTRY. Phonos DAiseis0-Wlme.n. 1900 SPECIALS FOR WED., THURS., FR1.& SAT. A Fameus, Brand. Sugar Cured. Whole or Hait, Mb. ££ IIAMS Center Cut Slices, lb. 17t NA Fanious Brand, Sugar Cur.d. DACO W hoe or Half Pieei c BAlb. CHOPS, IL Palenske, john Pearson and Ned Shapker;letters - MoI(tlev Bryant, Patton. Junior swiimùing teamn awards went to the following boys: certificate- James Barnard; numierals-Bob Cof- fin Albert Schuman, Robert Watt. Bill Beebe, john Cunningham, Robert Fieberg. Tad Harvey and Robert D1- Z7 lb . I..... Creamed FA.NCY CALIFORNIA I 21dm sof, LambL. IL