TUES»AY, APRIL 49 1933 heing th.ie first >Iucsdav ini Sald Ilniit, The Election 'w i l hegin a t thehoir: of 6 A.M. and close at 5 P. M. -Central.Standard 'fileitepaesdsga ns rfielthIpaoýýd e ig at d DI1STR1ICT DISTIRICT l)IS'1'1RICT D)ISTRICT 1) 1ST KI1cil DISTRICT !-Pollinig Place: GlencoeUin Church, Glencoe, 111. 2-Pollin Place-: FIre Station, 673 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe,, 111. 3-Poling Place:, Glencoe. Union Churcb, Glencëoe, l.. 4-Polling- Place;-, St. Eliabeth's Church, Glencoe, Ill. 5-Poiling Place: Mueiler'a Greenhouse, 90, Linden Avenue, Glencoe, l11. 6--2ýPoiling Place: F. A. Reid, 954 Linden Avenue, Winnetka, 111. 7-Polling Place: 894 Linden Avenue, Win- netka, Ili. 1)ISTRIC'F 8- Florist Sliop, DISTRICT DISTRI.CT. DISTRICT DISITRICT DISTRICT, DI$STRICT, 1DISý'TRICT, I6---Polling Place:, Schoolhouse Distriet 31, Avoca Roa,Wilmnettép .11L. I 7-rPolling Place: Wm.- Thabuann Store, corner Lake and, Illinois Roads Wil-ý mnette,: IIL 18--Pollng, Place: Hoffan Hall, R;iage Ave- nue, Wihnette, ID1. l19-Polling Place: Assembly Hall, Keuil- woa4h, lu. 20-Pollhng Place: Asseunbly Hall, Kenil. worth, 111. 21-Polling Place: Fire Station, 831 Main LStreet, Wilmette, 111. 22-Poiling Place: Village Hall, Wilmette, 111. 23-Polling Place: Village Hall, Wilniette, III. 24-Polling Place: BIyron Stolp School, Wil- )1 'IRIC' 10,-Polling Place: 2nd Floor, 797 Elm Street, Winnetka, Ill. DISTRICT i1---Polling Place: Village Hall, Winnetka, Ili. D)ISTRICTF 12-Polling Place: Fire Station, Winnetka, DISTRICT 26-Polling 'Place: 1222 Central Avenue, Wil-. mette, 111. DISTRICT 27-Polling Place: 1443 Wilmette Avenue,, Wilmette, 111. DISTRICT 28--Polling Place: Milieu Hardware Store, 1217 Wilmnette Avenue, Wilmette, Ill. Giveli iiider illy hand this l6th day of Marci, A. MARGARET S. PIERSON, Town. Clerk