appolntnient. Glehcoe office opposite depot 409 WOODLAWN AVE., GLENCOE .Attractive brick resldence-4 bedrms., 2 baths, hot water heat, attached gar. WIl decorate. $100 per month. Desirable Wlimette residence-near *"L" and .lake. 4 large bedrmns., sun and elpg. porches,. hot w.ater beat. W"Ill decorate. $110 mont.h. R. M. JOH.NSTON & CO. EXCLUSIVIE AGENTS 3~40 Linden Ave. W%7,tiettie 444 __________________97LTN45-ite UNUS 'UAL VALUeS EN GLENCOE White brick-4 bedrrn.*,' baths, 2-car att. gar., oil. $125. S3hingle Colonial-4 bedrms'., ; ata ser. porch, 1-car gar. $110. 3 bedrmis., 1 bath, la,,.. on first, coal, 1-car gar., near traisp. anïd séhi.fs. Î85, 3 bedrms., 1 bath, 2-car gar., oil ht. $50. ANN MORELAND ' 663 Vernon Ave. clencoe 305 97LTN45-ltp CO*MPI4ETE SERNTICE EN RENTNG A HOME (JALL I3AIRD & WARNER ,),0 Park Ave., Kenil. Keiiworth 478.5 1 071 Skokie Ridge Dr. <iI- ncoc 15,54 and Central 1855 'CJY WDESERVIC1L- iirci, 4 t u4rrni., 2 bath$5, '3-ftl. ilving rmn., buflt-ingarage, near lake. KROLL & SMITHII 424 Llinden Aive.ý Wilmette 600 97L'rN43-ý4tp 6 RM. COLONIAL HOUSE, ARAGE. Hot air heat. Near Hubbard. WoodS school. 1120 Merrili street, Hubbard Woods. Inquire wiithln or 1110 Mer- nu. 97L4-ltp 6 RM.. DUTCH COLONIAL - .3 BED- rms., tule bath, 'fireplace, sun parlor, garage. Excellent loc. in Hubbard Woods. Reasonable rent. Ph. Ownier, Gre. 7348. 97LTN45-lîp' INVESTIGATE. THE INTERIOR 0F. this home. 6 large rçooma, 2 baths, showers, hot water heat, elec. refrig, 2-car- gar. 1220 Forest Ave., WiI- mýette, 111. 97LTN45-ltp FOR RENT AT REDUCED RENTAI,- 6 room house and bath, 2 glazed in porches, furnace heat. . 2301 Thorn-, wood Ave., Ph. Wlmette 4289. 97L45-ltp nhouses. we aesîre listings and sug- gest YOUr.Immüediate0 response as the season le, exceedlnigly short. ,Please cal our ofice ln No MAN'S LAIND. ]BILLS REALTY, INC.' 930 Spanish.Court, Wllmette 3740 99LTN45-lte HAVE MANY C LI ENTS REQUEST- Ing 6, and 8 rmn. homes, $65 to $125,1 fmr. and unfurn. Glencoe. GRACE E. GRANT Glengables Glencoe 844. 99LT45-ltp WANTED, TO RENT - HOUSE 1N -Wfllette or Kenllwôrth,, 3 'bedmnis., 2 baths, rent flot to exceed *$1)0. 3 ln fa.mily. Please give ful partiulars. Write, A -1, Box 40, Willmette. 99LTN45-1tc1 WANTED TO RENT--. RM. BuNGAýJ low for cue. 1~near tasrttn r' oom cottage......... 5 Gleaicoe 1282. 2 flATHS. GARAGË. 1H. W, HEAT. WANTED IN WIN] Near sehools and transp. ('lencoe 235. s chool, 5 or 6 roc 97LTN45-tf4c Good condition, n<~ Eng. brk.-5 bedrms., 3 bthgr..12 sponsible party. Ph Beautiful 9 rm. fura. home on lake.. $250__________ Other values furn. and unfurn. from $60 to $500. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 101 WANTED YO RNU 97LTN45-ltp FUR RISLi*D HOUSI COZY 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AND from May to Octob( garage. Near school and transporta- guaranteed. Goodi tion. $50. Possession 11%fay 1. Tel. Ore. 2019 or write 1 Winnetka 16814. 97LTN45-1t,. LIILTj NI-ICe BEAUTI'UL CAPE 'COD COLONIAL home, choice Glencoe location. 9 nus1 ., 3 ýbathe, only 4 yrs. old. Beautifil grounds overlooklnig Skokf e vpalley. Owner *lll deal at pre-sept market 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr. Glencoe '1554. BAIRD &, WARNER I11LTN45-ltc 6 RM, RICK'HOUSE IN NORTH- brook. 3 bedrms.,7 ' bath; 2-car gar., hot water heat, well landscaPed lot 66x300. Property la cleair. Near transpjortation. XNO brokers. $12,500. Party, must have at Ieast *6,00 in cash. Write A-78, Box 40, wllmette, Ili. l11LTNq45-ltp WhtWill You Offe? FOR SOLID BRK. EVANSTON HOMEi, 6 bedrm.s., 3 baths, solarium, sleeping porch, cil heat, large lot. Near lake. Liquidation makes this an unusigQ Street, Evanston. Greenleaf 1855. I6 R.. .lot. ýansp. -a . $23,1 rtrade. le a t.0 ne e. i ay wt & Win. Piekard Winin. 3722-122 9 7 LTX'45 -lte *HUBPBARD WoODS, EAST, f41EAU#rI- fully Iocated home of great charmi. 8, 5 baths, large porches, 4-car- garage. Very mioderate rentai includes car of spaclous grounds. J. 1'. FIOYD Co. 394 Centei' St.W 36k 203 don'ft-t piay blind-man's,.buff with the pl ace you want ____________122LTN45-î tp la. FOR SÂLE--pARn. .5ACRES CORNER ON. PAVED HIGHWAYS, 11/2, miles froni Ariington Helghts depot, imProved with 6 roomn farm house. Good. well, barn, garage at $7,500. Termns, electricîty and gas available.. Addition*aî adjoining 5- or 10-acre tr*acts, at $4001 per acre. R. Ml. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave, Wilmnette 444 school. $100. q7LTFN45-tfe CALL WILMIETTE 4300 13____*É .. Ask for Ad-Taker conTditionM Glenenbe 520 and Nvhen. Mrs. Fuller î46 Elm St yen. to tra B3luff St., IL tcoe