ARMAND'S TAILORS AND FORRIERS La e'Tallor Moue $5 SaIts and conte Brotuis Building Lobby 1159 WILMETTE AVENUE PHONE WIL. 18 AR'TrFURNfMRCO.. WeSolve Tour Moth Préblein wIth BRESISTAIL 38LINDEN: Ph. Wîl à4m5 _____I 10 lbs..o 14 .hirts & cents additloul eoela 2%Cash and ESoi.y Hand lAundry 3 ELECTRIC PLACE Phne Wil. 2707 PHONE KENILWORIH 3532 J. A. WARD Furrier an.d Tailer New Suits and ail kinds of Remodeling in Fur and Clotb. Very reasonable. Delicious Plate Lunch ZSc,.a PANTR Enjoy, a gamme of bosvlirn BELOWN DLDG. 1169 Wllmotto Ave. Seer EIevtia &Radio Shop EXPERT RADIOSERVICE Hous.h@Id Appliances 1131 CENTRAL AVE. Phono Wt 8 18 Qhaper 1185 -Wihoette Avenue -Ph I 1 k&*e WILMI WIME1TE FOOD SIIOP Monarch, Foods at very lowest prices. 1247 MAIN STREET -L--- vu.. ld 2 Phone.: -e The motion picturé "Son-Daugýhter," .starring heclen Hlayes and.Ramon ravarro, to be -shown-at t/he Wilmette theater WVednesday,. Thurirday and Friday, Mlarch'22, 23 and 24, is being spokkçored by' the wa3's and me ans comlmitt'e of 'the Womai's Club of Wfl/mette asia beie fit for the cluib. Mrs., Robert McClure, 1215 Lake avenue, is in chargqe of ticket sales. .. "Son- Daughter" has been rated by thte Wilmctte Better Filmis group as onc, of tlhc outstanding screen Productions of thte year. Heat . Centr News Foreign Affaers" Centr Nes j Theme for Lecture The last of the serics of evening Wagner of the Chicago lectures sponsoreci by 'the Sister- institute will conduct the odoth NrhSoeCngga ic' to be helci at the Whî- thood of teNorlth Shorae Cogegda- :enter Monday afternoon,tinIaewltkepceTesy n 2:30 to 4:30. The WiI- evening, March 28, at 8 o'clock at the center dental -clinic is temple, Lincoln and Vernon avenues, 9 and IZ. GUEST 0'F HONOR Hazel Bell Risk was the honored guest last week at a delightful lunch- eon given by Mrs. James Coonev in appreciation of Mrs. Risk's lovely singing before the South Side Alli- ance of Tri-DeIt Wornen a f ew months ago. havinz sailed on March 4. Being flot oniy a. journalist of great ability and importance, but aiso a diplomat, he will be expected to discuss fully. and understandingly this vital andi timelv subject. Tickets mav bc ob- tained from Mrs. Simon Ruwitch, 340 Moraine road, Highland Park, or fromi the temple office. I 4. * t * .1 lu "1 -f-- .111 -ý 1