COMMODORE FRCHDESN UNIQUE' Ur own. brad-and à truly "ne-made produet withý jus OZ j29e ie right liavor and "seaoning I. DROCCOLI Espcîalygood with roust beef or steak, 15 1#4» . boch... FLORIDA TOMATOXS: For a rel reshing spring sulad ................... tray-qil *FLORIDA JUICE. ORANGES * Ver>' sweet and juicy FOOD BUDGETS.AIRE LOW- -0 ARE PRUCES Cutting down onà table expenses? .Bager to save où the. monthly .food bl? Then, the best place, to do it consistently is right here. Our low prices include delivery. We weloome telephone orders. We solicit reliable açcounts. We promise satisfaction, both as to price and quality. RIBS ROAS? A deliciously tender roast, 1ole o tanding 6tb andi 7th ribs, lb., 2le FRESH INDIVIDUAL purE Oh 1 how good it is when breaded 'and f ried in, beaps of butter....... IL 1 190 si ioLm stea Wonderfuillytender and fi juicy and a'most econorn- ictil buy for a big »ucy steak ......... P'ýc1, cose'y rîta .real per 29C bun« dozen..11 Brussels Sprouts s erve with drawn butter which lust a drop or two for sauces, pies or upside down cake, Ib .....17C California Long Finger Bake to a golde~n brown, then serve with tartar sauce or lemon....... lb. 270 FRESH Calvei L lv. Genuiné article at a mosot attractive pricç ... . . andi masht large or sarn potatoes,. Joues' .Sausage Pick your MEAT favorite style LIN. I ectiv. March 29- ~ 3959 Broadway 718 Elm St. g1508 Jarvis Ave. Ail* Along the Northa Shore April 3,' 1933. liuchlngham m00i Wiuetki si ]Rogers Pa 1rlk 01It I We Deliver to You lb. 18. r ou hot the ILý