This exhibition, which is under the direction of Mrs., Charles Hf. Dennis, will be the, fourth to be held at the, club. Each year the exhibit bas, inw- creased in .size and in, beauty, and, this yea r's showinz will be eveni more ex- tensive ,tban those of the. last tbree years.: Unlike most exhibitions of its kind,. there will bea great deal,,of staîned glass from the finest glass makers-.'in the country including: Thomas -O'Shaughnlessy, Eugene Grob and Louis Orstendorf. Dr. T. DeVries o-f Evanston is lending the club bis rare collection of old miasters' which include several Italianpaintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth:century. Two of> We11- ington 'J. ReynQld's very fatùous paintings, *'The Entomhbment of Christ" and "Ave Maria" will be sbown. joseph Birren's "l3enedic- ross' -Tne Kefugees," Charles reps "ýTasco," Davenport Grif- 'be Clan" and Hazel Crow 'Madonna Sans Enfant" will g tbe many well known re- ýaintings shown. LI pieces of sculpture by h Tuttle Uolsnian and Eu- utscb will be included in the the new- way to buy FIAT SILVER is by PL ACE' s ETTI NGS" ý ,"War Against Hurnan Nfisery" wilI be the subject of the sermon by Rabbi Charles. E. Shulinan ini the temple of North Shore Congregation Israel Sunday morning. Aprîl 2, at 10:45 o'clock. In bis,,discussion of this s ubject Rabbi* Shulman wvil1 stress the fact 'that the Chicago Jewishi cominunity miust solve its own problern." The prograin of music at the services is announced as follows: Adon 01cm ...... Suizer tern illt#strated above for 2 TEASPOONS, (regular), 1 LUNC'HEON'or: DESSERT KNIFE 1 LUNCHEON or DESSERT FORK * $1-67 * $2.00 t i8 the Mrs. Christez Nil. andi IT0 CST S NO0 MO RE 1AT-SPAI U LDI1NG -GO RU4AMS 4 Lé P. Kilgc fen's " Ewell's be amot ligious P Sever« Elizabet Mrs.,