palufcal sense in thle world about theM. The speakers inclue Jane Acidains tounder ofHul House n ininer of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1 931; George W.. Blakeslce, professor oi ,Instory and, international- relations at Clark university, Worcester, Ms. .Xndrew W.. Cordier, professr Oj history,_ Manchester college, Indiana * Bernard Fay, Colege' de !France and author of "FTranklin, the .Apostle of Modern Times," "Washingto.'1 etc..;: I-Iarry 1). Gideons, associate prorfes- ior of éccnoniics, Univetsity off-Chi- cago, an;d active partic ipant* inIinter- national affairs;- W. o. Mendenhali, president of. Friends ..ýUniversity, Wichita, Kan..; Tucker P. Smith, specialist in the psycbology 'of war and nxaea. ýErnest Prjenmrnt T'Pl.. tue, Japanese Brc Tokvo, 1925-27, ar (;eneva, 1932; Mrs, îecretary of the n (ient of the Cook WVoren Voters; ai d1 clinurch E.. of the iflsti- ood scbolar. iddle scholar. ncey Wright, al and presi- I, eague of Enxly v il- 6181 EAST 0F1 SOL Speelalu Rot Thua. Val. mmd Use. Dr. -R olert May>iard Ilidchieis. presidentothe 1w niversitY of Chii- ning, A-pril 21, at 8:30 io'clocA,, at ture, tê.hich is fi be on souw phase of educatiopi, is imiter the ausçpiCeS à « the bourd of directors of t/he J !'ietietka Ni scshool. Genn inuSrnE1Î Milk-FoelFacy U 1. Roa8ing~lb. PORK, ROAUT Rtib or Loimn&n, Il . ....... s ic VISB Skook.M Spocil rfor SATURDAY SLICED RAM Hot f rom eOurOeensmd baWut 7Ç ILHalf plat potato sakd or mALMOI, ol. .1mw f r. HONORED the afttrnoon, and lectures isi' the 1 evening, The enroîlment. is linîiited, to 200 people and application cardsi can be obtained from the Anericasi11 Friends Service committee wliose I ntidwest headquarters are ini Rooint 90)2, 203 S. Dearbomni street, Ciicagilb 1 lvp J-arnoree a the LUniversity oi Io.wa. Iova City, April 7. and %vill comipete for- the honor of beîng lowas Queeni of Pep." -Miss. Miller was also unànimousIN' elected wonm- en's secretary of the fresliman class, ai a meeting held Mardi 21. 4hb..25e LIBBY'S FRUIT Oranges Juicy Florida Pimeappie Uciouas Flavor. Pint lHome Baked Pori, and Beau. CCnAGO