COPIER MAPLE suG;AR u~. 3.1bricks. 33e Tmate juIe CEESE Herkimer County 3 y.ars OUd t)uhuIafi't ne eminft t 1the cui 35.Ç ,Welch's D)r. GofeD. Alliton. einieter :of the, IWinette Baptist chUrch.- will 1reach the sermon ýat un lited Good Priday services to be heldto- morrow c-czéin; in the Fîrst Con- grigitional chu reh. rhe quart et and choir of the Congre gational cichurh'7,ilýrz4 thé Ypt>om v inusie. Chu rches co-operating in this un>iion teervice indtude tihe Wil- >mette ia ptist. Pirst Con gregational ' 1,;liish l.uitheran. PFirst Prcsbyteri- (in anid St. -Iiiqistïkie's Episco pal. 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Suekoff. 819 'hestnut avenue, entertained sixtecin uests at a family dinner Mondav. l.3>90. 2 Goape JuIm,9 Welch's .........I for 520 White Bok ton of 12 $1.98 KING OSCAR SARDINES L.rge sige eau~ 3for 29ej iipril /, IYJJ, no ucer to ne consumned on the prernises whiere sold and no distribuirig plant to be permitted in Keniliworth for distribution of beer to adjoining n'orth shore villages." Oppose Amunexationý Sinice the adoption of its platforni the Keniilwort.h Economy party also bas added another pledge,> "to oppose any attempt to annex the, village of Kenilworth ,to any other. municipal- ity" and'to oéppose "any extension of the village l-imits.", Other pledges of the Party, whichi have been reviewed in previous issues Of XIMTELF may be sumiarized. I)rieflv as follows: .eronomy in the operatio'n of the village, eniployment oU 'Kenilworth residents only to dis- charge village functions, reduction of %vater ra tes and other public utility' charges, active interest in the Noüth Shore Pffiperty Owrners associtation, maintenance of Kenilworth as a strictly residential comniunity, an open village caucus, open meeting at ail village board sessions, and main- tenance of an adequate police depart- nient. Adopt ResolutbaI The ladies' auiliarv of the Kenîl- worth Economny partvylias. adopted the following resolution: "WVe favor the~ whnle o f 1the il anId ýt al SHRIMPS an3 PIMENTOs 3 cans 27C.I - are. better than ever this year - at pre- war prices. its the penses of village operations cannot, be effected without injuiring efficiency. "WTe urge al %oinen voters to suip- port the Econoiny ticket and hielp to relieve the tax burden on thc citizens, of Kenilworth." Vivian Weedon, 204 Fiftli street. a student at Ohiio. Stateuieriv 24 c1 Rtickdeiu Rand: BUTTMR Country Rofl rl 3M * .white,