league. The 'prograin will- be devoted en;- tirely to welfare problems as they af- fect this commiunity and will be ini the nature of an open forum. Dr. Martin WýV. .Seifert WXilmette Health commissionier, will talk on the work and activities of the health de- partment and will dwell particularly, on those sections of the proposed new village code which relate ýto pub- lic .health;. Following Dr.. Seifert's. talk, C. C. Schultz who is directl-in charge of u ne mployment, relief in the, village, will talk on unemployment- propblenils and their solutions. Linked directly With unemployment relief is the general welfare wvork which.,has been handled by Mrs. Lit- liatu D. Northani under the control of Northam hlas consented to talk to the meeting about ber work. The part of the prograin devoted to purely Civic league business-will be short and will be, confined to the annual election of officers. Every resident of the village is in- Vited to the meeting.. Membership in the league is open to ail citizen-s. C.h o..in MET receive communion at St. Franelis churclh. In the afternioon of April * 23, they wilall visit St. Vincent's Or- Mrs. Howard W. Knighit's litile soBuddy, lia a party on Ttesdav, April 11, at his home, 575 Stonlegate terrace, Glencoe. He mwas fiv'e vvau-S old. Twehty-one of his littl~ ead were invited. , Mr. k'eterson takes the place o f Ed- ward, J. Phelps of Kenilworth as: a member of. the high scbool board, and Mx.r. Mulford, formier president of. the XV.ilniette. school, board, takes'the place of Wilialm H.R 1Illis >of \Vilmette. M r. Phelps retired fromi the board witli the ex piratin (if his term this spri g. cIHee Il a(I'.ser%,e(l for fi fteei vearis. 'IThe new ath letic, fieldi at .New 'irier 1Higl schoujl was 1naine(1 Phèlps fieldU in his hlonçr. Mr.ý Ellis, comn- Jletçd ojIe ýterni of threé years this. Holdover menibers of the high school board ýare: J. . Gathercoal of XiI- miette, Mrs. Jalnet -Cordon of Win- fietka. 'Otto R. Barnett of Glencoe. Mr. Rarnett served as, president of the b)oard dluring the past year. The presi- denit is elected by the menîbers of the board following the anitai spring eec,~ RESUME CLASSÉS 1 Ne%% Trier High school and thue public schools in WXilmnette, Kenil- worth and WVinn'etka will reopen Monday morning, April 17, following the spring vacationi. Pupils in the (lencoe schools had ino spring vaca- t ion this year becauise of the fact that and delicious. Choçolate rabbits,- b r igh t colored eggs and aIl other candies for the holiday as Iow as leceach Serve nyone of ýa bundred, smart wàys ýOffering 'a variety of hats. that include, ail* the new straws and' fabrics- in the ever favorite turban and "fez-or c hic littie, saio and other brims. Prices range f rom $1~to $ 8.50 Miss McMahon M Worthen's 1 148 Wilmetle Avenue Y j E 1%~ otwear., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cunti -1- ï