tsuuIfaCy c" f ... ... ... Easter service .........1a.i. somno ervice.......12 <noon) UOLY WEEK< Holy lT4iursday---Comntlflion service . . . . . .. . . ...8 P-. . (ýood Frlday service........... 8 p. . Musl-EI'astér, April 16 Prehiude-Ëater Morning. on Mt. -Rubldoux...................Gaul Anthem-My Heart Ever Faithful.... ............... ..... Bc Junior Choir Aýnthiem-iflig of King$........ ip&r * Senior Choir -Jirt'y lo-Hosanna .. .'rànier Frank Dorbanid Easté'r 1ostlade.......Hour This evening (Thursday) ý,wt' wili Il àve a service of H61Y Communion. Friday f romi 12 to.3 we wAill join the ehurches of the villàgel n a <ood Fr1- day service at St. Augustine%, Epis- ropal cburch. Friday evenîng .at iý 8 o'clock we will hold 'our regular qood Friday service th our own vhureh.. The clilîdren of the Prlnary dep.art- ment tînder the direction of \Ii-,. ,Frank Ç4yso have arranged . a very Iov4ly. Easter progrant. This will lw giv'n. durlrg the Sundaiy swhool h<înr. Al art' invitedl to attend. The oman's Society 'viii hiold itsý April wrk meeting at the' home of âtre. Gecorge Larson, 301 i Sxtetc'ntlî street, Wilmette,omi'T'huri"<la ty. April 20, at 2 ,'clovk. Senior Luther lea.gùe *T4iursday evening, April 20, at the church. AIl young nost c'ordialy invit<'d. Nviiii flieet at 8S(,c ,ocic petople' ar.. er life. We ,4alt know mnort' of what it' 'la to live by , Christ, ini Christ, for Christ, and with Christ, tilt we reach the marvelous llght around. thetthrone ina glory. 4.- We invite ail those witho ut a clîurch homie t<' worship witlî us oh Kaster Day.. St. Prelude: "Gond Frlday Mus4ic" from "Parsiýfal".. -......an' Anthem.: "Go to Dark Gethseiianie" . .No Quatet . My 'aih.oks Up to, Thee" .............1.1...... Schnecker Violin obigato .by. Robert B3rotvn Postlude: Chor-ale..,"We Ail, Believe in-One God, Creator"- Bc At -the Il We'lock. service on Easter Suniday, Mr. Hindley will preach on ,'Our Prlceless anid Eternal Hlope."l The musical programwlll be: Prelude: 'Resurrection Mornt". Johnstont Anithemii: *Light's .Glittering Mo.rn Bedec.ks the .Sky" . . .Horatlo. Par ker Quairtet: "'Where Hast Thou Laid ihlmi?" .... Clough-Leighter, Offertory Duiet: "Iagdàleiie". ..Wirreti Antheim: "Hosanna... . . . .. . Granier Postlude: "In, Thee i> Joyý" Bach A Ve.sper service will be held at 4 o'<'lot'k, at wihlime îewv meimbers will be received ifito' the church and the rite of C'hristian baptlsm aqq)lois- tered. Members of the Covenant 'clase anti those of the hlgh school depart- to meet at. 3:15 in the church parloi'; 'lhle junior and ,stnir choirs and the * <uartet .will asslst in titis service. The ordex' of worshlp. for the Easter Vesper ,erwice will be as follows: The Ortg.n Prelude: "Eater * 1rocessional"........1(u 1 lymtn : *'AIIl ia il the P<e)rotr Jesus& A4 C'hant ('f Iio'ii> 'l'lie. (aIl to Worship) 'l'le Invocation and Lord's Prayer At Chnoa lns.c Sulig hy the Junior Choir 'rht $crptu'Readilng and N.(edi t:it in The Rleception of Mdembers The Service of Communion A Quiartet: "Sheep and Honnir-bsi Hlymu: -"Jesus, 'Thou Joy orf ioving Aleaits" The Benedic-tion tnd,,.Rtsp(,n.ge. The' Organ Postude: - Chr'ist. 'I"iuphat" . .. .Pietx'o Xmi Friday, April. 14, a three-hour serv- ice is held in St.. Auguistinie's church to ,Whlch we are invlted. 'In the evening there *,Ill h a union (zoo d Friday service ait the. Congregational. chureh. Dr. AlIfsoïn wlll deliver the me-Ssage. Ail departmiente 0f 'th'. <'huî'eh- Sehooli rlîl meet iii the Juniiw r roni for the opening wrhpait 9 :0 . . A prograininlawhieh, al departmî'n ts wlll be represented im to be given. The Senior department trio will play a Mop- zart selection. Other ýcontributions to the service wiil be: songstiby the Bo- ginners' department, recitationi: Roburt McKeighan,, piano solo: Lawrece Jones: Easter Song: 1rimar y dpartý- nient;ý vocal duet : Jamiesý Wolff and D udley Ye-oman vocal sut :Inogî'ne Kaufffan-: otferto'y :. plaînt), soI', lion- nie Lamnb- story : HssIomme. Theî'e ill be a short Class iseSsion, for the rnarking cof attendance a'nd <lis- cussion. There wili ho a beuýtifjul E.astej',ev ite. in the sanctguar.at l )'ch _.-B sur'e tc> corne early) and witness the proe.;sional of our Girls.' choir, Býoys' choir and Senior choir. Much intet'est bas been sho-wn ina the rninlatry of mu- sic and ina the comiibinied( choirs we have a mienbership. of about it-l.Th an)thlemni will ho: "At Easter Tre-By'amiGils choirs. -This GLid Ea.ster Day'--1])iukiii-qn. TeThe Seniot, choir. Tepastor will have a challening message fort the day. At the clo)se of( the Service haptismns will b( trmade. NOTICES The W'omùuii's society îw'll nmeet Fr1- daiy at 12':».0 o'clock for luncheon and a pî'ogram followinig. Wedrcsay.April 19, ail juemibers are iî'gecl to attend the mici-week ,servie Tht' deaîcom4 ait this meceting will con- duct au spiritual siiivey of the church. Tenth street at Jam#es, T. Vene cenleaf ai'enute. uteni,miit.. Easter awasbrlngs its aag oaf hope and cheer. 1t.evoiçes oui- ]high-: es-t aspirations and cha.llenges "îor le ..up- est 'convictions. It stirq * IEsi<n whlch have lain dormanit andi inartic-' uùlate, 'and forces 1theni to t .he fore. But it must.4 do more. ýIt 1n1u.st ,tisfv' oi' ampirations. substaratiateorton victIçins, answer otir question-,. Surely.- there*1h; 11 bette,' plaée to..spend If than in thie pî'esence oaf our God ina His sa,n-- tîary. Wie invite you to wu'rshipý wit h sait 11 o'clock. The minister. wiIl preach on lii' thepie. "Life Beyond, the Tfonlbi"îe'r iing che to the Christian conviction as afftined by Jesus lnu lus ma 1lt' îo'sin John 14. We 1eiv <' %v1l1 b(- îvoîds o' hipules anu f0ort. Ne'wmiubmer> will her,'ivl nt lhe u'ch ait this service. Thu progr-aîn of nmtisiv arrauigil hyi Miss E,'ma ounids, direç.'tr.fisa > stein: joseph i ays, trunîpeter.I iillv V'enekhisen, trombonist ; A ii t h cinm "Awake, Awake, Utteî' a Song."<as- 'l'le Choir, The Junior C'hoir, Tiomnae Oblîgati>. I)udley Vnhasn Anthc-,l "'The <'hildren',s I>îayer." The J.uniet hot:Offeîtory Solo), "Ieei:m ive hol 1Tel You A.Mstcr" N.iy."ht Tru~î)'î Shall Sound." 1M ah) 1 landel, Mr. IdatdOtis.so4l- Ti'umîw t (>bligato, Josefi 1 iLay. > I 'st tde."AIllua," Failîks. Bible classes coi-vne iéat9:15. W-( *ini- vite you te ,tjj(j . th e Bible w tlî us The Chitian Ende'av'oî'r oie will meet wvith the other' young people o(i. Wilmlette ini an early sunrise s"i' ait 7 o'clock A. M. at the ConIgreqga, tionaI uhuch. ecause of this fet> ny îniect' )ig theru will be nîo meeting in the arlte1'noon. savings 1fler mi De accompi possible.Services this week (Passion Week) I . I inlude a union communion sèrvice with IThe Wednesday evenlng meeting forI thé Baptiste tonltht (Thur8day) at 8 trOgsu lUatU lnti kelr LentE