fessional service. ý8 p. m.-Reguiar service and HoIy Communion, odFridity.at 7:~Cuesoa st'rvit'e. ý :00-Regular service, and I loiy EASTEII DAY !1;- a. n.-First s;ervice ani sermon. ':î>a. im.-Sunday school affi Bible cia:Ss ila. n.-Second servive a i seýrinon. Serinon : -The Risen :Christ. <air' Joy ,and !Hope." i'aksbe to God 'vhich. givetiî us the' victory, through our Lord .Itsus ('hrisý" Thesu words briefly sini tip t h.. meanin g of the E~a5ter fact and maessage ina the' faith and. confidence. of evê'ry 'hristiian. 'The Resurréctlin of l.stus * Christ following tapon [lis death tori' lic sin fl the world is apledge tîthe .vaiidity of* fis wNork lu the sight i>e the' lleavenly Fathler. The Apostie P'aul, writes : "If Christ be fnot raised yotiur faith is vain, ye are yet ln. youi' sims. But, m>uw IS Christ riscai front the demi, and beconie thje flrst fruits of~ thetu sept" The Besurrec4i ) of, .J.tsuc <"lit vindicates Hiq word.s: "I; am the' resurrection ,and the lite. Hé! that biieveth lu me though hie were dcý1,. d. et shah hle live. And lie that, livt-th atnd beieveth in nue shall net'er d'"As, also the tvôrds': 'Because I live. ye shall live also." Special Easter .sricwiil be heid at our churelh the comiing Snday to which we invite .vroeparticularly ail such as have1 iii) thum'ch atfiliation at ail. Share the' ýipirPtual joys of the day wlh us. ('LtSSeýs for the Christian education of Organ Psl0e"Coa: ( uilît- less Lamnb 'of.God".......Bach Solo:; "Therýe, is a <breen 1111.Far *AWay"..............GQounod mr. C'.IRollil snith Solo :~ It edeemer andi My làor*d Mrs. Foster E. Fike Tfilise Who are unable to attend, the ent.ire service are 'invited to coine w-heu th-y eaii. and gi> wheun they niust. flatis ('hiris4tianity?*" is the theane of the Minister's nieditaition for thýý- service on Gooýd-Friday evefling a t elght o'lc.The' niusie wIll be as folnows: Organ: '*Choralv t(J Man, beinioan thy, earful sn"........ ........ Bach Chlorale :t 0 1l; I en, înust leave thee.............Brahms 'l'le .Choir,; -The. Fit*..t Word" ' .Dubois Solos by Mr. C t.' oIIip Salth and Mr'. Walter Chamb)ers. Solo: '-He was despised and rejeeted of men-Hne Miss Florence Farrtar- Solo: *'Where you therýe when thy crucified niy ILord ?" . -. Burleigh Mr'. C. Itollii niuth ('hor-al Itespolise aftet' the BenIedietioný *hrt.We Do Ail Adore Thiee"... ..Dubois "The At iiser Smart' pigskin a'nd pig twiln slp-on qIoves for toilored. wea.r L956- New Waffle weave 1l.00. Fine'sueded',' fabrics 55ct'o .0 Sheer chffon, h.ose -in the newest spring shades. Chukker, rhumba, g r.ey-. tFone, bula. 65c a pair. ay-11 A. 'M. ,n of Life" is therne for the cee Easter Day.. ter .Mlulc.: au i' niiiBaptism in the Il o'ciock serv- ý ~m L'aster morniing. You are lu- Vited t4) Nwit)Iess these soleninu cere- There, . vili be as usual ou the gret'* hohIidays of the church, a gt.od detam of festive music during the service. The * choir of the' church wil sing the liaI- lelujah chorus froru Handel'±s Msih andi a traditional tune: By Early Morn- mîg Light. MNiss Elsie Reinhardt, so- prlanIo, mile of the rnerbers of the' choir %vilil b' the soloist. Among the organ numbe tu..fih. îaved hvMry Electa Antiwîn :Aili hiti.Rsn .... ...Kopolyoff Organ Postiode: "Nun danket aile Gott" ..............Karg-Elert Easter Day-3 P. M. Knights TLemplar Service. The Ilii- iiois Commîandery No. 72 and Evanston ('onmaudery No. 58 wili be the .guest-s of honor. The Minister will speak on the theme, "Living (otniis"The mnusic will' be as foilows: <rgan Prelude: "Aiieluia" . Dbl (Cont.inued on Page 45) f or .2.95. Ol+ier bags in crepes and fabrics 1.00 Up. A.Glass- flower cluster clip 75c.