Co lony Daily News; andi Rabbi Charles -E. Shunian of the North Shore Con- gregation Israel, Glencot. Mrs. Cath- erine WTaugh McCuùlloch of E'vans- ton, well known IaNver. wilI1 preside. A, dinner ivill l)be served at 6 :36 ro'lock in the dîning rooni of the church. The occasion marks, the opening in. Chicago of a nation-wide. "drive," initiated by the national. section of the Women's Intërtnationial,,league, to seuesgnatures to a. petition . iviclî will he presented to President Roose- velt with suitable ceremnonies on MXav-1 20. Those signing, "protest against. the expenditure by the, United. States of nearly $2,000,O00 daily' for,. mlitarv and naval purposes, while millions of people are hurigrv and horneless and thle futuire of children is darkened by want and lack of opportunity." They urge the President "to secure immed- iate action by Congress for drastic cuts in nilitary and naval costs, thus releasing mâney for relief and gen- eral welfare." They further urge that lie tise al bis power to secure international agreements for. uni- versai, total disarmament, thus carry- irig out the spirit of the Kellogg Pact." The petition includes the signatures of Janie Addlams, Dr. S, Parkes Cad- mian, Prof. John Dewey, Prof. Irving Fisher, Zona Gale, Dr. R~obert M. H-utchins, Bishop Oldham, Dr. John Ryan. Robert 'Morse Lovett, Lorado Taft, and many others. of note. it is stated. ',Jack and the' Beanstalk" Goodman Theater Revivalj The Children's mnan theatre isi the Bealistalk" Chorpeiniig, the- of the current theatr.e of thelCGood-(, reviving. "Jack ai, b%, Charlotte BR 2TEASPOONS,(ha). 1 LUNCHEON or DESSERT KNIFE, ILUNCHEON or DESSERT FORK, (heavy) ... $2.83 Il o'clock. Si 9:45 o'clock. el convene$, at UT CO ST s N O MO0R E AT SPAULDING in- "PLACESTINS illustrated above for .$3.00 $U0O -GO0R. HAM's mua