Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 22

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"Oh! That rigkht !" replied -MIick%. nighit ai seven o'clock and 1 haven't scratclîing bis head. -lI forgot to t'eu ll.lard f ront hlm since! Dr. Forge jusi you!, As I came by IBig, Joe\s pool, photied ini and wanted to know wlîat room. ii slipped frum m nv baud and bappened to the medicine J1 sent out. rolled down through. the iron grating If I get hold of that loafer, l'Il tbrash in, the. sidewalk. 'l .îried to pick h himi good !" continiied Mr. Pound. out with, a stick, but ud& rea01iti. "lI call up bhis mother, Mr. Pound, Un srr.I)an !' added %IickN.' bisto see wbaàt's the matter! Something face coloring slightly as lie tried to :must bave happened," answered.Dan., avoid. Dan's searching stare. anxiously. -A. littie later lie reported **Well. l:'il have to t'ake it out i oltO 'fr. Pound that Micky had stïini- your pay. Micky,'T'ubbs. 11r. Sharp 1>ed on a, loose board in a sidewalk ould bc -very angry ith %yon. if lie and broken Dr. Forge's bottle of Were here! You'ye, heet short in mediiciiie. Mrs. Tubbs cried bitterly your cash every week for a long tiiie, over the phone and.begged Dan to and last week >'oti eft t'lit wrong talk toMr. Pound and fix it up With bundtes at threediffer ent places. \Ir. hn-"o to 6re the poor boy.," Who Squire, at the Ice Factory. Called sie was afraid to go back to work. Tbe on Monday and said votli leit» votr poor wonian depeuded entirely for bicycle and delivcry basket it of ber living oit hie few dollars M.%ickv bundies out infrtt whilc 'ou btrought ini fronit te drug.and liard- ~payed ball witii the boys oit the lot. ware sto~res. Mr. Slatz phoned in and said for uis "W\el, its bis Iast chance! Tell hini to keep our old hardware; lie waiitcd.t to conie'dowu right away. The orders * to know if we tbouglit lic ý ', lîavîiîig; are piling up !" said Mr. Pound, out ait afternoon tea, al 'be<catse .\oit of sympathy for MNicky"s mother, anîd wvere late in your deliveries. isecret1y glad to get. somieone to de- "if Mr. Sharp were bere, fi'i suirc liver the late orders according 'b his he'd fire you! I'd do it l yselt. àii reptcd serVice. * îlought lihe weren't coming hack M.\ick,% cotuld well thank bis stars soon," continued Dan, hoping to 111- 1f.or baving Mr. Potund as a boss, and press Mlicky witb bis carelcssncss. NIr. for worki;îg under Dan during Mr. * Shari>iiîad been forced to turîî tîe Sharp's' absence, for, no matier how During the brief moment the l>oYs %vere w~aiting for Mr. Pouind, there rushed through Dan's mind the whole' histoýrY' of Micky's- failures, sistîce. lie started to work- for Sam Sharp. Mickv bad been most unreliable; hie bad *been lazy and shirking l is i duty. He had been dishionestinii handling cash. He bad toldan actual, lie about the dollar. falling inito Big Joe's grating. Heé was neyver positive about how lie what lie was told.. Haif aloud Dan said, to> himself, 'Maybe I better take it myseli; he's hiable to fail. Poor Mr. Pound is so worried. He doesn't realize. how careless 1Micky is. I'd hate to sce .him. lose Dr. Glatt's business, and it wvould be awful if the herd died.7 Then Danî began to wonder whether lie. himself. ottkf saiebl iwaleethe trip~ without mishap. Something miglit happeti, then lie would be blamied instead of Micky. "WThy should 1 run the risk, wlien "%,r, Pound asked Mlicky to go.? And thien, poor Mr. Sharp wi1! wonder what has bappened - wiv -I didn't conje over to sec him." At this moment, Mr. Pound came rusbing froin the drug store with the medicine. "Here it is. Mickv' Hurrv.. if you were Dan. Write a letter gîv- ing your answer and mail it promptly to Mr. Hurst, WJLMETTE L.iFE, 1 vil- mette,. 111. Don't forget toput your. name, ag e and address on the .letter whiclî you write to Mr. Haurst'. Letters must reach WiLMzT Lipz on or before the first 'tuesday. following the "Deeds of ,Dan" story.: Lettiers about, tuie storyý in tbis issue niust reacli WIL METTE LipE on .or before Tuesday, April 18. Nancy Bercaw's prize-winning letter reads as, follows.. 1Eihhstet WIImett, , I. April 6. . 1A : IL Dear Mr. Hurst: If I were. DanI, would try to. sv my sister lnstead 0f rmy, mnther t1-- cause my sister is so much. younger -Ind lias not had as much pleasure out î-f tife. eqp'4ly atWt aeent of btrat'- cident; whereas my mother te ihree oir four timnes as old and has had more pleasure out of life. Besides, Dan had always been respon8ibIe for Nan. Yours truly, Nancyli3ercaw. Protestant Service Club Elects New Officers The Protestant Women's Service club held its annital meeting reçenitlv aI whiclî time the following officer, [lai1". t D- %-l à 1 )Li.,L-- . 128L tiC 'sou ariy mûre." said DIati, bangiug shut thet in cash box andl putting it away in a large drawer u,îder the coufiter. The next nmorning afler the conver- sation wit h Micky. Dan stopped, at Big Joe's tosec if lie could find tic mîissiig %dollar under tbe sidewal k. 'Big jot let him get Ibrougli the base- ment tn the front of thbe building, Orders wvere mixeci or botties brolcen, and were sure 10 lie late, espeç ially Wy wben a fire. broke out. Ail "the qesdthg king's horsts" couldn't keep -Micky the btil front going to a fire. No matter te hbu mihere hie was or what lie was doing. thelha -he'd drop bis bundîts and mni. bWeIl? One day about closing lime, whvln boîli Dan had counited and put away the yHu rry cash, put ut)the shutters and wxas %-Yb was asked 10 go-Wby, Oh! li' i 'Jb . o -ticg, eoc bould I take the risk?" Thi v ce-president; Mrs. R. T. Rockefel-' 1er, recording secretary; .Mrs. S. P. n potinded in, bis brain. Dan Smurr of Oak Park, corresponding e package. Micky still ki'cked secret ary; Mrs, S, Bigelow Haley of Iding witb his tocs. Dan' held Wilmette, treasurer; Mrs. M. E. El- ndle bars and stared. "Well! lingwood of Chicago, assistant treas- What's the miatter with vOU urer; Mrs. J. W. Blake, Mrs. Wil- Are vou losing your nîinds?- liam Lowitz, Mrs. Carleton Prouty, the catîle are dying. While Mrs. C. N.' Caine, and Mrs. Eber- ,nd-there a'nd dreani," shouted h,,l» ;ti-rr M.icky! IhOi stort, ashe 'If yolteuiMr. six ýare living Lor JIL>IW. n Evanston.' -ctor of the Mr. and. Mrs?. John W.. Darley, 618 Clearwater,' Brier street, Kenilworth, spent the froin Camp week-end at a bouse party in St. Louis. 'as he. nocqua,

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