On1 Friday, Saturdav and Monday, Apri 21, 22 and. 24, the musical or-, ganizat ions of New Trier >1Higb school ini Winnetka wilI present the Gilbert and, Sullivan opera,' "The Gondoliers!' or "The King of Bara- taria.',' Originally.,only two perform-. ances bad. been planned, but as ticket sales exceeded ail expectations, and reserved seats for both nights were ail sold more than a week agoi the third performance on Monday night 'was added. The story of the opera is concerneçd witb the question of the rigbtful beir to the Thronie of Barataria. The old k ng bas J ust been- killed and the grand .inquisitor of .Spain, wbo bad the baby prince kidnapped years be- fore, is the only one wbo knows 'of his whereabouts and his identity. He reveals 4ha -t theiking isoit. of 'two Venetian gondolier: Marco and Giuseppe Palmieri. No one but their old nurse, Inez, can tell which of the two is the rigbtful king, as their old guardian is dead. Marco and Gini- seppe are married, in the first act, to two lovely contadine, Gianetta and Tessa. Complications arise when it is discovered that the infant king had béen rnarried by proxy to Casilda, the.beautiful daugbterof the Duke mnowng tuat sue was already rnar- ried. bas fallen in love with Luiz, ber father's faithful servitor. They are 1liroken-bearted when they dis- cover that tbey must separate. A last, Inez, the old nurse arrives at the court and reveals that-but *we mustn't spoil the story for vou. Corne find ont for yonrself. -Mrs. -Marian A. Cotton, head of Hello, al you students who have anxiously been awaiting tbe outcome of theý pitched battle which takes plac *e daily in a senior boy's room. Tbings have been happening -fast and furiously lately, and here they -are:. Altbough the. Pickonian- faction was victorious in last week's encoun- ter, a private fend arose between Bill Moffat, leader of. the opposition party,. and Hubbie, Pelott, an ardent Pick supporter. The discussion grew out of an incident in the "Medicine Bail Massacre." hIt seems that these two boys had a great. time during the battle, by pelting eacb other with, missilesof mud~ Naturally -sucb con- dnct did not 1te-nd to iincrease their friendship - nay, rather, the thing really became serions. So they, one r'ainy day' (aen't they allP4 )ttfdged' over to the gymnasiuni to settle their difficulty with the gloves. Trhe result of the fray is now his- tory. After three bard - fought rounds, tbe jndges declared tbe bout to be no-decdsion. Pelott's lip was cnt sligbtly, but this may be laid to the fact that Moffat bad the reach on bis adversary. The boys parted friends, however. and ail is calmi oa a .Itnumntt t..'vi5t,5ousano*JUaIve nanhood. New Trier Rifle Team Outshoots Deerfield High Inspired by a national tyro champ- ionship and bnrderied witb the neces- sitv of maintaining its reputation.- the ionsisnp, and the sophomores were second as the basketball season was. finished last week. One. game re- mains tQ be played after vacation. Maloney and Thorne must play One game to deter-mi.ne the school, champ- ionship for the adviser Irooms. Ma- loney,'s seniors defeated 'M. Haàmil- ton's juniors, 50-14, for the upperclas titie. Tb'oriie's team, defeated Brady, 18-14. Maloney'sý adviser room bas beld the charnpionship for three years and. ivilil ight, to retain this titie. In the first team,'gamnes.,the seniors took an easyvictory over the juniors, 32-19.. However. the sophomores, who had d Aefeated the fresh men ver y easily, offered a ,grat deal of oppo- siion to the seniors. The seniors and sophomores were tied at the, baif and the sophs were one point ahead ttli o n iniffe before the wliis*tl blew, when the seniors' captain saiik a basket, making the score. 31Zý30. in favor of the seniors at the end of the gaine. .The junior-senior secpnd teamn gaine was a ý19-19 tie but in the over- time the seniors won. The sopho- more second teain beat the freshmen but were in turn defeated byv the? Seniors. 18-16. in a hard-fought gaie. was held last Saturday evening. Mul- sic, and wbat mnsic it was, was pro- vided by the celebrated Holmes- Weese baud, an organization of -na- tional fame. The bail was gaily decorated with balloons and other festive trappings. A vivid spotlight played on the danc- The G. A. A. spring sport-bulletini was sent out Iast week and the gýirls signed up for their srn schedu le. BasebaIL will be' offered. only to the' three under-classes this -spring, as the department of pbysfical education bhas decided that 'the senior. scbedule. is toô ful and:that the seniors may only enter the individual tournaments and the swimming classes. The juniors will practice on Tuesday, sophomoires on Wednesday , and freshmen on Friday. Practices will be held f rom. April 17 through April 21; ad.viser room games, April 24' through Mav 19; and élass games. from May .22 through June 2. 'Miss Annamiay. Smith is the coach, and jean Stout the head of sport. Archery wiIl be open to sopho- mores, juniors and seniors. Seniors will shoot on Monday, juniors on Wednesday, and sophomores on Fri-. day. From April 17 through April 21 there will be instruction and prac- tice in the mecbanics of shooting. April 24 through May 19, .there wvill be practice and scores of the best ends at 20, 30 and 40 yards. May 22 *Golf classes this spring will be open to everyone with a bag and four clubs. The classes wilI be bell con Saturday*mornings at Techny Fields golf course. Every. girl is ex- pected to play nine holes then and nine every Thursday afternoon. Class teams will be chosen and inter-class matches played. Miss Iris Boulton and Mr. Anderson are coaches, an-d Lois 'J7cker tbe head of sport. Gianetta, CharlotteN red Mullen; Inez, the- girls' oasjcetbau was used Trier this year. *Before a1 permitted to referee gaines, *th, Ji rnthi.a' isn, and was 1 had, 1 1 Noyes ïWd J6an