kere Sunday) iYd a sniartr moecmlete selecton. of thingsýý for Sprn id's Evanston Store. S~ Evanistoni Store Î$ the most convenient place for' you to ,satsfactorily. liall Field Quality is vour assurance f genuine value in every, WPLETE the FEMIN.INEý PICTURE -for EASTER -t -y $750 v 4< ~w ~- Fourth Fleer Yaril ey combination of regula- tion size face powder and a sinîgle compact, in a gift package. $1.35 Vinieuil perfume; gardenia or swveet pea. attractively bottied for Easter ....$1.50, $3 Lelong, toilet w-ater in ail the well known fragrance of Lelong per- fumies. .........$2 F.Iïrst Illoor llandbagriof silk or leather; back straj) or long handie, plain or grained. leather; black, inavv, brown, gray, red, white. Priced at ...$. 9e, 5,5$7.50 Young Modems' hosierv; sheer, clear and long wearing; new slades for Spring. 95C Gauntiet gloves; 4-button Iength in soft glace kid; cuif slit on o"ne side; -black~, brown, white, beige. Price .. .......9u5 Alexandre doeskin glovesin wlhe, beige, eggshell and gray; 4-button lengtb. Pair 2.95Lf Neckwear in 3 new styles: real point Alencon tie-o ver ascot col- lar, white organdie asçot piped in pique. and the frilled _jabot ini The A collection of bats distinctively and glorioisly k feinine-whether you prefer a large brini or a tinv cloche, a sky-mýinded turlban or a low beret . .. Al are exquisite i fashion and workmansbip and the color.- are superb. . . Alheadsizes. Fourth FloorÉ 0 aeae CQM rwiII12 be L & w