rrni~ru511regular a<ivertioling rates. Grad SearaionWill Sa e Life .Next Sunday al over the Christfianl world the resurrection of Jesus Christ f rom, the grave til be celebrated. Flowters an(! fllusic vil- tou- The tribute tbeir iport- Resure4 in ant share to the hap- plincss of the 'occa- sion. Witli the.coining of Eate Day one. great theme, Immôrtalitv, ivili: be the cel-, tral idea in ail sermons. What~ a - 1reat consolation and encour- agement and source of strength this belief ini life after death lias been! Manv -wbo iost dear ones bave been comiforted b)v the expectation of secing those loved ones, again. This hope bias dried inan, many tears. Faith. in this new- life bas encour7 aged bereaved ones to persevere ini their endevorsto live iNorthy'. lives. It has becu is belief supported by strong evidence. De- vout Christian believers bave faith in a life beyond this life. Sucb strong evidence bave tbev that they now knom- wbat tbe,% formierly only believed. Tbey K-now that Christ rose fromn the dead. the first fruits of thein that, sleep. By so doing. lie de- feated botb death and the grave. On is, victory bias been built abidin.g trust iii mii- target tbey aimed their shots at binu. We are frankiy pleasedt.hat the progres-. s îves w'on. We trust: that- they and the ir metbods wvi1I continue to be 'the objects of criticism. Criticisin used'withi an eye to correction and improvenient is a niost .ef- fective agency for social welfare. In -days gone by, the soverelýiu renuedyv for spriog. sickness and lotber ailmments involving iipu)trities of t1he blood wa-s a mixture of suiphur, and mo- Spring lasse. he suIPhuridthe Siknss healing.' and the muolasses, 1 (l~i.sguiised'the flavor of ,the S .uiphur. If 'vou survived the rerniedy you probably SUrvived the sickness, Latelv a better, a more effective and J)ieasanter reniedv' has appeared. If the early days of spring find you slow and s iuggish, take a inotor trip of somne two hundred iles to one of natture's play- grouinds. Get a littie cdoser to nature's heart than vou a rteiM or about Chicago. We did just that iast week. Lea'ving the nortb shore one Saturdav fliorIling at known as Turkey Run. U. S. 41 -took us ail the way to the park entrance.. Except for the' Outer Drive we drove in rather ligbt traffic until we bad passed through Hammiond. Soon after leaving that soniewhat uninteresting town wegot nto the open countr.y, whicb grew more and more pleasant as we continued soutb-, (luîld of mmte, true rnoughts enshnihng. flair lu ni 'es ifh locks caressing '11 '%,iisomie image of thse past. Nckady wi t. iot yet reprcssing <', hiiiiloods l1oý,c for toys,,otce. clas ped. ;ld .' elcom#.c overwhelmned ime -ls iei.1h ose years her smiles began; Il 'as -this collegian ýwith degree My rswhlcbaby hmeagait --ý-Thalia 4.Rochlitz-. While the voters,, vhô are, destined to do their stuif next 'fuesday looked on in high glee, Wil- nîette's candidates' in the annual, Village election *provided a mnerry show in one of the school audi- toriunis, last Monday. night., Discovering that all agreed (on practically evýerything even retnotely re- senfibling a' campaign issue, the opposing fortes launiched uI)ofla debate as to Why, with an.election onlv a week away, there should be harmony, when a ight %vould be mrore in, keeping,. So they argued nierrily, on until Mrs. B. F. Langw~orthy of* Win- netka, recruited lut serve as chairman at this non- tume lu close up anid give the janitor a chance to c1eai. upi the hall hefore the kids arrived for their Schiool (luties. Fil (.ssi fer, as witness adjoining colunins. lias been enjoying his annual spring vacation. He can- tered down to Turkey Run in Indiana and wvas shocked to discover they served everytbing but tur- key oni the boarding house menu. t i That aithoiuglathse weather's chilvy Sfi has set the Sap b .loul That lise leaves of daffy-dilly Grrept and straight begiN Io show. Ohs, ,She's busyf Mark the snowv-drop, 14hite and sweet ainong thse leavés., And thse green buds of thse lily Sitell and open in thse brerze. Qver-head the joy-filled red-bird. To his Mate melodious pleads evi- be observed and scrutinized and valuated. And that these resuits were well worth what had been spent.to secure them. was nortn shore ness and rea ,ees rid of our spring sick- rfor the 'week's work. MQE