In thew plan is seen ilot oîlv the benefit which woild'result 1.11 vig emplouvuient tlîrough the -surnier andi fail to a :large mnmber, of meni, but! it would hasten the realizatioii of the ï long £Iicri.slie(l'(IÉrean of a' thorotgls'y (lraincd andl reclaîiined Skokie', on which niiucl, timc and labor liasai- rcady. been expended~ P'roject Now Under Way With. the formation of the North: Shore Mvosquito Abatemenit district a' fewv years, ago, the Chicago Saniitan,! (istriet lent its co-operationi to theý dIrainlage projcct iii thc Skokie., whîi' chi, owing to a Iack of fuid, as' abandonicd Meore the work wvas coni- pleted. ' lI .On, à thoroughý drainage of the Skokic is basic{l al the other lan.sý of developulient, includIlg -the îwoposed ~chif1~of 1a~1 reforestaliui, (rive'- avandl other improvenwnts. ,Expect Washington 0. K. WVord wvas reccivedil thisw.eek by ii U (rest Preserve ha~atr that 'ýVaington .is lookiln, with. favo.r upoin the proposition to lncludeý t1e Skokie area ini the ref .orestation inovemient. In the event. these plans, are realizcdl, straightening of theý chaimel and completion of the drain-, age project, it is aninounced, wotl(1 bc the first steps taken, to be follow- ed bv the -more cpîprehiensive mi- PreîdntEnxntt %,hlelan %vas ap-. provud, fornxially declàring the board's \vllînigtiss to co-operate in every ~av if the Skokie 's inchided iii President Roosevelt's reforestation plan, and every indication points to favorable action by the authorities at Regular Ticket Wins you finish the job on time 0 Successful busin.ess for tnree-year terms.- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Polzius of 1027 Central avenue, are moving to 1241 Forest avenue. yet, the cost is small'wherever you cali! men use the tele-