aternoon. This production is spon- sored by. the Kenilworth and Win- netka Leagues of Women Voters. 'Even the very young chiîdren know the famous old tale of, Hansel and, Gretel, which will gilve to the oprtaa familiarity that is always a delight, to the'child," the sponsors point. out. "le childreti will find, further joy in the lovely music which delineates in ils melodies the sorrow and'happiness that Hansel and Gretel share. The artists, ail of whom have had operatic experience, take great pride in making their words under- stood by the' audience. The score is *sung in Erglish." In Kenilworth and: Wininetka, chlii dren of junior -high school age will be given an opportunity to design miniature stage. sets, using tlie, Han- sel and Gretel theme., These. must measure 1Z' by 18"' by, 12" wi1th a curtain space, of 145/" by %.Ti project wil be discussed in -the art' departmeënts of the schll< where cliildren may acquire flitther in- formation on the subject, it is ex- plained. Judges will award prizes. to the children designing the most artis- tic andi charming stage sets.. Tickets may be obtained for either the morning or the êifternoon per- formance. The following people are handling the sale of tickets: Mrs. Bessie Grant at the Winnetka State bank; Mrs. Scbroeder a t the Win- netka Trust and Savings~ batik; Mrs. R. McNamara. Winnetka 2358; and Mrs.. Gilbert Kelly, Kenilwortli 1006. Stage Minstrel Show Benefit in Winnetka The Winnetka Panthers club, spon- soring. the minstrel show, "Foulies of 331Y to be presented at Winnetkaý Community House Tuesday and Wed- nesday evenings, May 9.,and. 10. at 8:15 o'clock, has launched the ticket sales. The show is being giv enfor, the :betiefit of the Community House -in Winnetka.> This is the annual affair staged by the .Panthers club for the Community Thé Evanston branch, it is an -_ nounced, will be under management of Decker B~. Hall, and will, bc und r sup ervision of the Chicago branch at 185 N. :M ich igan avenue. The rieW .branch ïs' béing opened toý permit 'a oser contact between, factory and user and to insure the. best possible'service for Oit-O-Matic owvners on the. north shore. TAX .WAR]kANTS Enyert, Vatn Camp & Poil, lac. STOCKS AND JWNDSà 89.LaBale St. ,AndOve r 1424 CIIICÀGO III' 9x IOre*at $4.O IXL2IrLM00 J ýJWinne.fka 3060 Glenc.10 * Th Is is far and, awaIy the best: idea 'yet ffor- Shaving. a ýTI NG razor Surprising how littie a mani asks of hie razor. It must be supremely sharp and shave smoothly. It must be simple to use. That's all that couxits. The big question i- how can a razor always be readyý with a supremely sharp biade? And what razor is so quick and simple to use that,, for. example, the blade can be changed in lesthan one second? It tsJkei a repeating razor to do that. There is just one on the market - the Sch'ick Repeating Razor. The. 20 blades in the haridie give an opportunity for an unusual service. When: a fresh biade is needed, a pull and a p49h cf the handie ejecta the aid blade, inserts a new one instantly-with its wonderful, sbaving edge untouched. Ask to see it work, at leading dealers. Coniplete with 20 blades $5. (Extra clips 20 blades for 75c. That>s Zconomy.) station. ýW. H. SnMythe, 43 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth, is on a week's busi-, "ess telp to White, Sulphur. Spri»ugs 230 Park Ave., New Yo rk, N. Y. VAnderbilt3-8800 S Repeating KaZore Sales Representatives Harold F. Ritchi. Co., Iac. 40 IL 34th St. New:,York, N. Y*