upea J :3"-how .>ats Z P. m. Ev emings Durnug >Vftk Doors ,Open 6:30-Show'St arts 7 p. m'. Aduits, 25e Children, 10c 6th ANME VERSR Thurs.. Apil 27, Last Mlmes Tenigbt Norma Shearer-C-.lark Gable TraveltoIk ... News ' Fr1. Sa., pril .28-29 LEC TRACY (Starts Sat. 2:50; 6:30; 7:46; 10) Taxi Boys Comedy-Wreckety Wrecks" ..*.Betty Boop Travelogue ... News. On the Stage .at the Saturday Màtinee OnIy 30 TALENTED CHILDREN 30 SINGING AND DANCING Sun- . i. Ani 20.Mow 1 Comédy. ... Broadway Gotiip, Spetliht ..New$ Tues., W.d.,' May2- to make motion picture tbrilîs, served as technical advisor as well as bead stu nt man 'in "Lucky Devils," RKO- Radio Picture featuring Bill Boyd. Rcse assisted Director Ralpbh Ice, and collaborated with Cascy Robinsoi onw the story. In addition he headed: Duke Green, Dick Dickinson, Harvey Perry and Buddy, Mas-on, .the filmn stunt men engaged in the. film. The cast suppo rting. Boyd: includes William. Gargan, Rosco Ates, L)oro-. thy Wilson, Julie 'Haydon, William Bakewell,, Phyllis: Fraser, Bruce C. bot, Crcigbton :Cbaney,, Alan lZos- coe and others. Leée Tracy. Likes Women 1But Is Angler at ýHeart Lcc Tracëy adits' be likes women -and he also admit-s be is crazy about flshing. So he hasn't -gotten nmarried, biecause he doesn't believe any womi- an would like to play second fidd.ll toa fish 1 The vivid actor wbo is featured in the tille role of Universal's dougbiboy drama, "Private Jones," remiains a bachelor although 34 years old and a vcry eligible husband. He cites an- other reason for bis state of single blessedness as the fact that lie lias been so busy he basn'tý found time t' court anv prospective wife., EVANýSTONI-PEONE Uxi. &9000 Thursday, Aprsi 27 (Last day today) DIANA.WYNYARD (Star oft "Cavalcade"t) ln "MN MUST FIGHT" with Fine work by an excellenit cast features "Men Musf Figbt," Varsity theater attraction Ibis Tbursday and Friday. Anotber highligbî of tbis drama is tbe interesting manner in w.hicb il bandles the, central probleiw of tbe plot. The problem lies betwcen Diana -Wynyard, made a pacifist by bitter' experience, ber b usband (Lewis Stone),, whose love for lier caninot over-ride *is patriotism, and.tfie soni PblisHolmes), is tossed bctwicen the two vicws. wbcn warý sudderily breaks OUI. A wbimsical 'tale that fairly breathes the charmi side Of life, on the farm-that's "State Fair" wbich stars Will Rogers at tbe Varsity.tlie- ater on Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30. Lew Ayres, Janlet Gaynor-, Louise Dresser, and No rmaii Foster round out a great cast. VJill Rogers is, of course, biii.5clf -interestcd Ibis lime in sbiow.iing is pet hog, "Bluè Boy," ai lthe fair wbile Ma brings mince mneat and pickles. Janet Gaynor bias just the kinid of role necded to brinig out whaî most audiences seernimost.t10 love-cspecially wlhen sbie and lier l)rotbcr faîl into tbieir complications aniong thie visilors btbcth fair. Al in aIl, Ibis is a great picture for tbe entire faiîiy 10 sec. "Hallelujabi,l'in a Buni" will pre-r sent AI Jolson in a novel arrange- ment of words and song at tbe Var-v th1e ditties as incidents of his efforts 10 slraigbiten out1 a tangled beart- affair bctwccn the mayor of New York (Frank Morgan) and bis girl (Madge Evans).. Here's fine fare for Jolson fans 1 George Arliss Pleased by California Suririses Six years of fine entertainment for the north shore are signalîzed by the Teatro del Lago in the observance of its sixth anniversary week which. features excellent films spiced 'with a carefully selected và,riety ol short subjects., On Friday and Saturday, ,Npril 28 and 29, the featuré pres.entation is 'Private Jones." Lee T.ýracy, .the scrappingest doughboy who ev'er -car- ried, a mess kit, has, the fastest tal-k- ýing, greatest role of bis scintillating career-Pr-Tivatc Bill Jones. *Asa draft-dodger who coulIn't. sce any reason to get killeil for ,thC sa-ke of denfocracy, wlio. couldn't' fé.el the sIightest -panig of patriotismi. who rebelled his way throughi the A. E. F., wlio:was b ranided "y-ellow" by -his fellow soldiers, who -was. ev- erytbing that. an American dough- b)oy did flot represent, but wbo proved, bism>ettle whent -the tinie came in. his -scoffinig, liard-boiled, devil-m-ay-care manner, Tracy., ris;e to hei:gbts of greatflesstiever Ùe1ore approached. Gloria Stuart, Berton Churchill., Donald Cook, Frank Mcf-Iugh, Rus- sell Gleason, Emma Dunun anid Shiir- ley -Grey aire others of a great casi in the great buman drama, "Private Jones.,, Gfeat Lineup of Sta&r*s George Arliss, who- always s ur- rounds himiself with stage and screen' players of exceptional mer't, hias wbat is unq.uestionablythe. finest cast of his screen career ini bis new Pic- ture. "The King's Vacation," whicli May 1. 1Tbe *excellent support includes Mrs. George Arliss, Marjorie Gatl- son, Dudley Digges, Dick Powell, Pa- tricia Ellis, O0. P., Heggie, Dougla.s Gerrard, James Bell,,Helena Phillips, Charles Evans, Maude Leslie, Alan Birmingham, Harold Minjur, Vernon Steele and Desmond Roberts. 'Luxury Liner," a dramatic cross- section of if e aboard a magnificent ING of the. JUNGI with Bswter Crabbe- Fra-ces Dee su DvI * TUNI. 4810 Extra Charge ai