WANTED AT ONCE 20 EXPERIENCED GIRLS White, wages up to $15 week. Pauline's .Emp. Agencies 622 Center St. ,Wlnnetka ____________ ____71LTN51-îtc WANTED X ECD GIRL FOR general housework; laundry; home nightsý. $6 to $î we4'k. References r e- <îie.l'h. Wilmnette 869. _____________ 7 LTN61-ltc GERMAN GIRL TH7OItOUGHILY E in general hous9ework. Must l>e go'>d cook, no laundry. $50 mnonth. Ref. Write,A-114, Box 40, Wilmettw. _____________ 71L51-ltp WANTED WII1TE WO'MAN 18 TO 40J for gerieral housewot'k., Stay. nights. 2 chil4dreýn $à per week. Winnetka 3676. _____dlLTN51-1te WHIITE GIRL . FOltG E NE RA L housework, cooking- and assist ' ith ra.re 0of one, chjld. Stay iiilhts. Phi Glencoé 1220.1 171LTN.71-ltc WANTED-WVHITE WOMAN ro AU for children and other.c ( obs juraoujoi the home.,lRefs. $25 month. Phi. Glencoe 1544. 711L51-1q) LPXPÉR. MASSEUYSE FOR wÉ\îLv, treatmnents in iny honie. Wiin. 32~ 72 HELP WANTED-MALE 3ELIABLE SALES REPItlESENT,&- tives for North. Shcrý Prodluct with spec-ial salels ajeal api(I retpeatý 11 .ulliless. large p*ft.1'. o (x 18à, Willlette. 7LN1lj 73 HELP WTO.-MAI.E AN4D FEMALE NOTICE.. After 'May lst we will be inca ted a! our grounld floor loc atilil,. 421 41h St., Willlletre poie 'mnl 4thi and Linden. Pauivi's mp.Agcv IVilnmette. 21-41 ')ntk 662 WHITE COUPLE, IN. KENILWOýIZTI-, wife good cook, husband al i a runl mani. ,%fst furn. good - refs. $75 tW start. Write, A-113, Box 40, Wîlmrette. WANTED 2 -EXPER,"IIENCUE-.D COLORi- ed. eoup1es., uust havt reference.- whert* 1woi'ked together. PAULINE'S EMP. AGCY. 522 Center St. MWIilietka 2662 ______________________ 3LTN51-lte WANTED - EXIER. W1I'I COU- Pie for general housework anc] gar- dening. Ref. requlred. Phoîw Glenie 352. .*73LT51-ltp C5*OUPLES. WANTED, gaae"re"Phnè:W'ilr"ette 254i' 821,TN51-ltp F OR' 2 'FRONT ROOMS ANDi SLPING. porch, also thiMt floor with bath. Meals optional ; garage space ; nr. transp). Ph. Whin-ette 1253, 82LTN51-1ltp ROOM SUII'ABLE FOR 1 O E Iwith garage and ýcooking privileges If deirmet. Reasonable. 710 Park Ave., Wil~te 088. 82LTN51-ltp FOR, RENT-NICEY UIINISHED- roonis; instantaneous bot water; ne ar tiangp., Reasonable. 629 Park Av- nue. Ph, Wilmette 2345.. 82LTN51-ltp 2EXCELLENT RýOOMNS, NICELY furnished; single and suite.. Ea.st side home,near .aIl transportation. Ph. Wilmette "1940. 1 8 2LTN51-ite NICELY FURN. ROOM, -DOUBLE.OR single, in private home; garage; close to transportation. 942 Pine St., Win- netka. 82LTN5Si-ltp NICELY FURNISHEÈD ROOM, FORÏ gentiernan with bath and shower. Close to transp. Phone Wlnnetka 2010. 82LTN51-tfc 1 COMF;ORTAB3LE . ROOM FOR RENXT. Very reasonable. Ph. 'Wlmette 1633. 82LTN51-lte BOM.ý WITH KITCHE N PRIVILEGES. Also gara ge. Near transportation. Tel -. Winnetka 3256. '82LTN51-Ilp PLkA-SANT -ROOM 02, IN PRIVATE hne $4, Ph. Wiiniette 72. 1 82LTN51-ltpý NIClý,E LARGE ROOM AT 809 ELM ST. Tel. Wlnnetka 508-W. 82L51-ltp 84, FOR R«NTr-4r. HSKPa. ROONS 2 UNFURNISHIED RMS. WITH BATHe bsleel)iflg pot-ch, open porch and garage. Near transportation. Kenilworth 1865. 84L51-Itp 86 BOARD AND ROOM. FURNSHE IO)M AýND' SLPG. nçýh. for 2 men, $5. With board, $15 week for two. Garage available. 437 Providtent Ave., Winnetka. 87 C^RE OF CONVALESCENTS. NURSE: CARE FOR CON VAILEP- cents, invalid or mild mental patient.% in country -h.ome; very. reasonable. Doctor'.s Nl~. iss Hall, Wilmette 5004, 87LTN%51-Itp *a FOR RENT-APARTwENTS LIDN1AO PRMNS Cor. Merrill & Linden Avenues Hubbard Woods, Illinois 1, 1, and 1 rooni un1urnlshed, apart- mient a nmodern building. Refrtlg- eration. Convénlent transportation and Ideal home location. Attractive rent-, ais. Se Joseph Ciayton on premises or phone Wlnnetka 97. 92LTN49-4tp 2 ROOM APARTMENI' IN LINDZN Us > NQuUEU TrO 8UARE : - PART 0F A WINNIffrICA HOME, furn.. or unfurn . Unustial arrangement. OWn entrance. Staircase., 2 or 3 bed- . rnis., bath, sleeping porch. 'Like a private home. No, care of, heatlnig or. the beautiful grounds. Kindly cal) University 7343, 7 to 8 P. m. 96L-51-ltp 97 '1FOR RENTr-HOUOES 10 rms., 4 bs.i,dbl. iv;. rm., oul, 2 c. g.$150 10 rms., 3 bs., s1p. pch., H. W. H., 2 c.g.............. $125 8 ri-s., 3 ha., slp pcb., sun pcb., oh, 2 c. g.... $100 7 rnis.. 2 bs.,su pX, . .H., *6 c. g.. ..................e*$75 6rmâ., 2 bs., scr. pch., Hl. W. H., 2 c. g. ..... $55 6 rnis., 2 bs.* 2 pchs1., H. A. H., 1 C. g. $50 6 rnis., 1. b.,: scr. -pch., H. A. -H., no gar .......... ............ $45 5 rnis.,, 1 b., H. W. H., 1 c. g.e. . ... $40 4 rnis., 1 b., scer. pcb., 1 acýre, i c. ýg. $25 FURNISHE1D il rnis., 3 bs., slp. pcb.', beaut. furn., ex. loc.... ....1...........1s 10 rnis., 3 b.s., ohl, beaut. furn. .-...$125 8 rnis., 2 bs., beaut. furn., ex. loc. .-$85 4 Ige. rnis., 1 b., bea.ut. furn., ex. loc. $65 Other good values in bouses and apart- ments, furnlshed and unfurnlshed,. ail sizes. - Office. open from 9 a. i. tÔe9 P. m4 dally and Sunday. B,.,H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 965 97LTN51-ltp FOR RENT 9 ROOMS, 3 BATHS COLONI'AL HO ME IN N. E. GLENCOE 2-CAR GARAGE. LARGE GROUNDS 1. 1$100 ONE 0F OUR' MANY BARGAINS. McGUIRE & ORR 316 PARK, AVE. GLENCOE 1a 97LT51-tpý COLONIAL HOME-LGE. LOT N.. E. Glexicoe. 5 bedrmns., 3 baths, 2 Pereeni pelies., 2 car gar., oul heat, $100.1 Spanish brick-4 bedrnis., 2 baths, lav, on Ist; breakfast ri.; scr. porch; gar., .$100. 1 ý11 ý Brick bungalowv on large lot, 2 bedrný., 1 bath, bot water With coal;ý gar., $50. ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave. Glençoe 305 97LTN&51-Itp RARE PLACE ON INDIAN HIÎ 17 Club grounds. 7 rms.. 3 2 hs. o~~il J. 'J-4. JrJ. LiJ J-J-P 384 Center St. Wlnnetka 3603 97L51-ltp 6 rm. Engliah cottage, h. w. lit.$5 7 rnis., 2 enci. pchs., h. w. ht., g ar. $65 English brk., 4 bedrms., 2b.,oil t. $110 6 rms., modern, 2 baths, gar..... $65 SMITH & GOSS 725 Elm .t.. WInnetka. Ph. 3500 97LTN51-lte PRIVATE BEACH Attractlvely furnlshed home on the lake. 6 bedrms., 2 slplng. porches, 3 bath.s, Sun porch. $200. Frances J. Winscott. 902 Spruce St. Wlrnnetka 1267 RM. STUCCO, FURNACE 9EAT, sleeping porch, 1-car gar. 133 Prairie Avenue. rn. stucco,' lst and 2nd stopvy porch, oi burner,, 1-car gar. '117 NInth St. Wllmette 673-1334. 97LTU60-4tpl WILMETTE. 1427 GREGO RY AVX-6C rnis., h. iw. heât;-,ohi burner. 2 car gar.; Ige. attr. fiving room and glazed porch ; htd. sleeping pcb. ; Ige.. fenced yard. Nr. schools and transp. NoW $75. Ph. Wlnnetka '9724. 97LTN51-ltb WILMETTE 8 ROOMAS, 2 BATHS,' OIL HEAT, 3% bloeks to ail transp. $85 'per mo.' L. D. McKendry, Gre. 5000 or Wil. 5000. 97LTN51-ltc FOR RENT OR SALE-COLONIAL horme ln Winnetka. Newly decorated. 4 bedrms., 3 baths, min and slpg. pcb. 011 heat. Garage. East side. Open Sunday 2 to 6. Tél. Wlnnetka 1921. 97LTN51-ltp, FOR RENT OR SALE' Picturesque skintled borick home on deep ravine; -four bedroonia sleep- ing porch and large studio room; % baths; 2 car garage; 208 fest by 200 ft. 885 Sheridan Rd. Glencoe. Phione 1368. .97LT51-ltp COLONIAL HOME INW WILMETTU.-. 6 rnis., 2 glazed porcese, H. W. ht., garage, modern, pice' yard, near transp. $65. Want offer. WIlinette 500 or Wilmetts 650 evenings. 97LTN48-41p CHEERFUL BUNGALOW sUrITABLE for smali family, near transportation, Hubbard Woods. $45. ýPh..Winn. 668. 97L51-ltp 2 BUNGALOWS,.IN NORTHFIELD. * ON. 6-OOM ONE 6.ROOM. Glass porches, .garage. Wlnnetka 797. 97LTN49-3tp i AND 6 ROOM HOUSES. IN NORTH- brook, bot water heat.. Reasônable rent. Cal] at 1937 Wllmette Ave., ,Wh1- mette. 97LTN5-Itp FOR RENT-4 ROOMZ HOUSE; STOVE heat, gas and electnie. 1431 Lake Avenue. Ph. Wilniette 1588. gea7. 7311 2 ýTN51t 1027 CHARMING HOME-GOOD NELE -tp borhood. 4 bedrms., 3 baths; olhih FS-.; Frigidaire, att. garage, $100. ýot 937 good values, fuma. and unfurn. h .îtp Lange, Wlnnetka 1194. 97LTX51- aliso 5 sand 6 mn WlmteAve., fimt; car att. g. water; ohl. Barg 663 Vemnon Ave. 15,000. ,AND, Glencos30 111LTNII-ltp i -