Vent ln and yeur fThe'S out, on the basla of tested quai- mos ity, the . public *. tondnuuestobuy pPUUIaV tir more Goodyear' ^il -Weathora __ than afty other a6 tiré. Priced ne low as in yourc -IN? SURE E Get recdy for spring! You con trode now on Goodyear Al-Weithors-one tire or ci $et. Goodyear Pafhfindei Stepped up ln The quaUly safety -ln Bp- tire withi pearatice-in *u mi leRge- mrelemf au s:reedowal ricelTh= e Gçoy$ 4 .5h a 0 ' .0Wde pFU n Wiaette DBatter & leri evic 7ido Tweilm hS&t ePoeWlif691*69>6 Shwee Service Garage, Lynam Service Station. Shimonek Service- 515 4th St., WiL 63641 Ridge Ave., WiL 5426 803 Main, St., WiI. 5374 I CONSUMERS' FLAGSTONE AND TUFFA ROC Used extensively in m*odem,,homes and gardens Consumers, ,Ftagstone, RubbIe Stone and -Tuffa Rock are weII known for their uniformnly. high. quality, correct sizing and beautiful coloring. They Ierîd a rustic. beauty to rock gardens, side-, walks, garage d riveways, fireplaces, porch floors, galrden pa.ths, ferices and decorative corners of buildings. W. also seii a complet. Bin. of face brick and building materials for every need. Our mnany distributing yards insure prompt deliveries. If, you want anyfthing in building materials, from a single bag fo a carload,. phone us or go fo our nearest building material yard. PHONE FRANKI IN 6400 L.1,ME S T0 N'E @psumùers ompariy DUS T I1N GAS ,FOR USE' ON LAWNS WILMETTE 1300 -WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE75 AND, G AR D.EN, C e oeDugflL worîc ana frmiture as for wau dOC- aln Also spocial presnaum for this xnonth. A oration. W. also have paint Dutch Oven for only 19c. ReguIair 75c t do a flower bc value with paint purelsase off25c or. more.TLEPHONE WILI<ETTK tof unfinishçd fur in 10c size cans. Emsough ex, treillis or amal pieces miture. 00