If's Wosh Frock Time in our nov Junior Department! s Ç 4 J -. - 1.~..- '4 TrPte good condition for so early in the season. There are no temporary t., greens as are so often found on daily fee courses at this season of the year. A feature at the Glencoe Golf club being inaugurated this spring is a, sta son playing rate which is available in- two classes. One is for the indi- vïdual player and the second forthe entire faniily., These: new rates are saici to be quite moderate. Jim* Gourlay begins bis sixth sea- son as- professional at the club. Hi.i shop bas been open for tbel past feu, weeks, anda, new supply of the latest golfingequipnient is on hand. The. dining roon, which is always open to the public, is under the suùper- vision of Mrs. Stella Gjauger.- Ligbt lunches-and dinners are qerved, Tht'firt lypnn ii hitor of world %var v'eterail and vestryman of Me ~/'scoal hurchiiiChiago10 St. Jalles' churcb, Wabasb and Hu- 1be 4'h'cted preside;t for.aàfft1h. terni ton, Chicago, is the iiew vice-president of the. Churcli Cluibl of Chicago is of the Church club. Other offcers just it e distiniction accorded JOI i k D. elected are: secretary, :Homer Lange, .Allept, of Glekit-oe. TPhree itears i . St. Cbrysostom's cburcb; treasurer, tloiIotst term which any . iodivid- Austin J. Liiidstrom, St. Luke's pro- iual lias prziusyleld the office. Cathedral, Evanston, -Amotg. the newly, elected directors of Mr. Alleni was, re-elected President ieora ýtonae:Gorg .Rn o f this business .iveën's organization ny dadL yroAngus S. utpon unaninious reqluest of the board HbadadCl oetI adlb of directors and also Of Bisbop Georgedirector of ýoperations of A Centuiry of, Craig q.tewart. head -of the Episcopal Progress: churcli iin Chicago. Headqjugrters of the club are at 65 Col. Robert G.. Peck, prominent E. Huron street. The TAP ROO.M A ýgenerous, modern Pitcher, strap- ped _in bess with large, wooden Muqs and Pretzel Bowl ta 'Match. A, metal Pitcher, 3-quart, large Mugs to match. Street ~*.4 om~itdm'oN AVENI5 size with 625 N. Michigan Ave. CHICAGO w, I