Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 37

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secretary, Mrs. Fofltnam, the flIow- ress, at wnich Smith- college is to ing officers read reports of the spiel- lhave a booth. Members of the club dici work accomplished du ring the will be volutiteer hostes ses during the club) year: Mrs. A. Adams, first vice- summer, to serve in the exhibit booth president; Mrs. H. Barker, second anld tQ show visiting alumnae around Vîce-pr esid ent;. Mrs. G. \loore, cor- the fair.* repnig secrtary; Mrs.' A.. Manv wel-known visitors f rom the Hughes, treasurer; Mrs.. A. Boyl- coilege- wiIl be entertained by local ston,, auditing; Mrs. .J. Tarleton. alumnae during, the summer, am ong Sanctuary.; Mrs. F. Oelerich, civics; the flrst of themr being Miss Flor- Mrs. W. Clohisy, Girl Scouts;, Mrs, ence Snow, general secretary. of, the H., Dalton, motion pictures;- Mrs. L. Alumnae association, Who will come Reich.- internationial relations; Mr s. the end of. June and wiIi be' the R.. Flood, fine arts; ,Mrs. H. Schmiidt, 1 house-guest' of Mrs., AIldrich, chair- art;, Mrs. B. Langi, music;- Mrs. H.! mari of the booth committe.e. Sherwin, literature; Mrs. P. Joyce, pliilanthropy; Mrs.. J. P. Budinger, child w 1re Mrs. F. D. Wil son,iHoId Formaislat Skokie friendly cooperationwith ex-servicel otllwestern universitv c mxen; Mrs. J. Tracy, education;- Mrs..! eea rtrnte atr 1;. Cunrimiskey, 1courtes,.. Mrs. C.Ç*of ha ve selcte Skoie andi sororities Barton, juniors; "Mrs. TIhomas NMintz Cunry cu wvays and means;ý Mrs. G. ýF. Lundy, 1 or their spring. formais again tliis publicitv, and las tiy Mrs. Beaudinb y eair. Last.week-end, Lambda Cii reaci her report in.which she thanked ii)ha heldi a dinner-dance Frida3 ail the officers and menihers for t!ieir evening and Kappa Kappa, <aLia g reat cooperatimu during. the v-ear.. ci a dance at Skokie Saturd4y. Revision of the byý-]aNs was the I riday evening this week Kappa AI- îext order of business and. Mrs. plia Theta is entertaining, and Signma rh'ale read' and inoved the adoption :Cihi Saturdav; both. affairs bei:.ig (liai- <)t sanie, which %vas seconded -ail1d ier.dances. WVedîxesdav. M -tv 31. AU- il autfilo usly -çarried. pha Chi Oniega is to.lhave a formai dinnér dance. at Skokie. Trie meetingthent procecedc to the -_____________________ eiction of officers. The noininating commfiittee whiclh consisteci of the fol- tress as well as the singer, .and the -1>w%-,ig memnbers. Mrs. llarry Barker,ý charnîing littie "False Prophet," by chaiina. ad Ms. allae More: SOtt Mis Seta s abor m ica Nlr. Caris NrnanMrs Chrts whose talent turns to the piano as Reich, and Xlrs. George Tarnow, subh- well as to the voice. Shie played ex- uuitted the namnes of eiglitinenihers çýeediingiy well. and with spirit, bler t" hli the vacancies. Ballots -,erè own aCcompanirnents, no easy task. dîstrîhut.ed b)v the elections comimit- To meinbers were received into~ the te~Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Frank Lane t club) Mrs. Howard H-ickey and Mrs. M rs. J. M. Krecji, Mrs. Russell Floodj H. Mergener andi three candidates anxd NIrs. George Lundv. Aftet count-! were proposed for niembership. Ad- ineg the v-otes, the follo%%iing offiers iouriiiment foilowed. were (eclared elected l)v Mrs. Bark- FOR echairman of the electioîî commit- tee. ;Mrs. William LearV, secondU PROPERTY vice-president - Mrs. John Tracev, rç- O NR V.Ording secretarv.; Mrs. William Gen- Auer. treasuirer; Mrs. John BRoylston, N\Irs.- HarrY McDermott, and Mrs. 1,. R A G. Bratton. directors; Mrs, FrankREA O N Thale. chairman of finle art.s; M.\rs.No 7 A. W. Boylston. chaÎrrman of phillan-.No 7 for .Xrs. Charles A.' Broaci, progran. Hear the- Gentie Lark," by Bishop' and "La Espagnol," by di Chiara,I composed her programn. Her encoresi weethe captivating "The Icicle," byU Karolyn Wells Bàssett, ber own il)--- terpretation, cf whicb h6iwed .the ac- OPZN Most people expect sonething different when they dine out unugusi charni of et- anosphere, an extra-delicions- mess in. cooldng, or a greater, variety of.fooda titan they get atý home. At Vers Megowen' you get ail of thesel You'I enjoy the finie, fresh.fBavoirs of the vegetabietenmd. fruiit an .sd you'Ii find, an -abun-' dlant m enuù filled with tucy meats sud luscious desserts! 501 Davis Street EVANSTON PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISRRS IN CELEDRATION Of my 24th Anniversary in the profession and My 5tb in WiIm*tte R. B. WIIAKER COM'PANY 841 El., St., Ph. Wl,,. 3250 WINNETKA WEEK DAYS - NINE TO 'NINE

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