Choose a remembrance for Mother from this isf of practical things that would please ber. A token of appreciation for her love and kindness wîII make ber happy pnd lot her know that- you have not forgotten. New :Pocketbooks- for ýMotheers Doy-and at any price you Jouire.. $295 Sk H os e by RoilBns'wtbh.e ôn run garfer top. Nowa$+ spring shades. Full Dresses Think how appropriate. à would ,be for ýMother on Sunday What a nice surpelseonýly $1650 Otesosllinig as lOW as A. most unusual value.ý A Nice Gift would be a pair ofGLOVES for Mother SI\ and we have themn. Others sKayser Fabrics Iow as. i ~\\\ "$1.00~ pair 50C New Neckwear Collar Bows, Scaff, Ascots. 59C to$l.9 The New Straws for .1933 are bore, and they are srnart in style. 'We have models fo suit every type of face.' Better get yours now,.Mr- Man $1 .00 to $3.95 'IF a (I 'I e? b .1* lï; Dept. Store-I 146-48 WiImeft. Avq.-Phone WSImt. 588-589, M*fi's Store-Firsi National Bani Bd.-Phone Wim.ft. 2655 IDURENE SwISS RIB SHIRTS. Each 50 C i +