re uo quaiineci to be juciges. -Lmadrs Are Sponsors The meeting is called arld spon- sored by the following citizens of Winnetka« Mrs. Erneat S. Balard Ralph a .Batten AYres -Boal Rush C. Butier Rudolph Clemen John R. Cochran Donald Detrees H. A. DeWlndt Prederick Dickinson Mrs. Alfred. Plesharn Edwin S. Fetcher Walter T. Fisher, Rev. B. Ashley Gerhard George W. Gordon Mrs. George W. Cordon Rev. Samuel D. Harknes Francis B. Hinckiey Richa rd Yates 11offnian Ralph Horween Lawrence Howe William, H. King, Jr. Mrs.. M. H. Lieber Cornelius Lyndeý George B. Massey William D. ýMcKlnzle- William S. Mller E. S. Rogers J. H. Rogers Mrs. Ralpb Sargent Arch W. Shaw Ralph M. Snyderý Henry F. Tenney John Vennema Willoughby . G. Walling' W. S. Warfield III1. Girl Scouts Expert i at Selling Cookies The Wilmette Girl Scout cookiet sale is still in progress. The second Wednesday of the four sale, days this nionth witnessed the sale of 1,710 dozen or 20,520 cookies sold byt ýWilmette troôps..c Troop 2 of the Methodist cburch1 sold the highest nuniber last week,3 178 dozen, and Troop 6 of St. Aug-t ustine's Episcopal church came in2 second, sales of 175 dozen. The girls are working. very dili- - gently on the cookie sales since the two troop.s seling the most cookies will be giveni a party. F.ýor the first two weeks of the sale Troop 7 of the First Congregational churcli is in the lead. Troop 6 of St. vr-ltilg meeretJion Uia jpublic ga- rage and, gasoline pumps on that property. The bill for injunction alleges that under the original Wilmette zoning law the property in question was zonied in 'a residential district, but ,that, in .1923, ,upon petition of prop- erty owners, the property -was rle- 2onecj in a "IB" -commercial district and remained so zoned unîtil 1932. The, suit points ýout that although gasoline and oil-Iilling stations were excluded, fro'm a commercial district, public garages wereflot prohibited. The suit -alleges further,.that in 1932, when a permit was ýrequested ,to build a public garage on the prop- erty, the Village bo.ard amended the zoning law by including a public ga- rage a s a use flot perniitted in a com- m ercial district, and it is claimed that te1932' amendment is invalid as having no reasonable relation- to the public health, safety or, welfare.. The suit also attacks the validity of the original Wilmette zoning law or that part of the zoning statute which prevents the operation of a gasoline and oil station in a commercial district, clainiing. that such a use should be germnitted ini a commercial district. The plaintiffs conclude by re- questing the court to enter an order enjoining the Village officials froni interfering with the building of a public garage, wjth gasoline Pumips in conection therewith, on the prem- ises in question. Doris Kinibaîl, who bas been the guest of' Dixie Douglas the past three mniths in Florida, is returnirlg early next %veek. She will accomipany lber parents, the Weller Kimbalis of 333 Leicester road, Kenilworth, east the middle of June when they go toý see, their son, Donald, graduate froni Plhillips academy, at Andover. 'The Lags#, Thse Lopetiest The Longest Loaig Permanents customer of the Economy Shop very happy. Wonders may be ac- coimplished with such tnaterial, a package of dye, a clever needie and a bit of ingenuity. Mayý we have the "makings'? "-,Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman.,; *Note:- Economny Shopý is conducted by the Womnan's Club of Wilmeétte. ASqPARAQITS, home grown bunch..........S PEAS, fresh,. green, 25ë, 3 ia........... ORANGES for jule, .extra 85 large,, doz. f29e; 8 doz-.. GRAPEFRUIT, -Indlaný 25 River, eedie@se,.&Ifor 2 5 PRER PELIVERY NORTH TOW Fit ,IT NAIIET PHONE WIL. Ml1 1111 Central Ave. V E E TA B E bSt cuts, e5 JPOT ROAST,18 CA LVES' LIVER, CALVES' SWEET- BREADS , 2c fresh, IL.4 phone Your Orcder TOdaY il Old Heidelboeg Ber MARKE RidWg. Avm u% Fiee Phous..: EVENINQ POS... Excellant Wor&nianship -lnfing-- Moderato Pices Titheo suuwing 38-ple e tyou R"" .. 9 I D. PAGLIARULO -Jeweler 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WIL>IETTE 1061 Pici up auad D.lIhêry service. ,t te Treoko 4m '