Play Bail... FliLDkR'S MITT. Oied. Sotand pliable., $1 Spelcially pricedat on!ly, CATCHERS MITT.. Fýor boys. Well padded. Ant exceptional value a t.$1 CAPS. With the same stitch- 4" i ng and pattern of the '«big league" kind.50 Each....... so Let's Go Fishing.. - Compete Stock of Castung or * Trolling Lines - \ REELS. Special level wind- worth much more 95C. * thati...... Compete stock of flues; nets, etc. BASEBALLS. Junior nation-, ai -league baseballs.r Many- innings of'play. 4«-' Each ....... ..45 BATS. A *ide selection for .boys and older playe rs. 25t$15 TAC KLE BOXES. Holds eniougb tackle to take care of the needs. of the average fishermian. Special 5Oc1. $7e50, CASTIGRODS. Steel.con- struction. Jolnted. Lengtb 4V2 feet. Specially . priced at ...... $1950V Tennis for'Heaýlth an'd PIeasure.. TENNIS RACKETS.. A romplete Rs- sortment of the weil known rackets ln variouc; styles and weights for both men and women. Sc $1 Priced .... ..... .s c te 1 TENNIS- BALLS. Nationafly known Wilson brand. Red and white. soc Efieh ............. ........... 3 FyOR 01 TENNIS RACKETS RESTRUNG. PROMPT SERVICE. QITALITY WORK1WANSHII'. Letinto &a "Village Blacke FACORYSAMPLES Chaire -.Swings Gliclers priéed te Save Upte Limited Quantity 14Ôre... GOLF BALLS. Dunlop. NeW stock. .New sire. Mesh or dimple marking. Each ............ 25 DOZEN $2. GOLF CLUBS. Reducéd prices now in effect. An opportuniity to* sav moey.Speclal Up from $ 1.2 5 GOLF BAGS. Good quality. Made to give plenty of service. A bargain at only $2*50. lawn. 75c 5/y 94GOLD MEDAL" CHAIRS itecllnlng FoIdIng Chair Chair ln an assort- Mayài be pur- ment of colora. chafod wlth aqeInih leg rest and Lacer Il canopy. Se et e i Chai.75 a&smotment ('f W4t1 Foo duck backs in fflthPoot colera and dle- Ës t m Igns. WTVth Foot Rach Regt and. $4M5 BIRD BATH, Anasset to any la.wn. Gr. stne. finish. LiberAl