New Trier finished first ini the dis- trict meet *with 42 points. Evanston was second with 39ý/2 and Oak Park thirci with 38. Proviso and Deerfielci, both Suburban league schools, tied for foitrth place with 22 points cach. First places for New" Trier, were Swon by Newton in the 100-yarddash, Kingsley in the pole vault, Schuman in the sho.t put and Martin in the broad jumfp. Newton, who also finished sec- ond in the 220-yard low% hurdles, was high point mari for New Trier with a total of nine points. Schumani,, >who besides winining the shot put event took f ourth ini the discus throw, was sec- -ond with a total of seven points.. Other boy§ ivho won. places for New Trier.%Vere:,Bob Seiler, third in the 440-yard, dash; Buckmiaster, fourth in 'the 880-yard run;- Bollen- se n, the high lumipý; Scott, fourth in the broad jump; Balenger, :jo.reh; in the 220-yard low huirdles, an-d Prince, flft.h. in the mile run. in the haî f-m relay event New! Trier flnished third. Oakc Park. won this event and Proiriso was second. Sisterhood Offers -Award for OriginalOne-Act, Play This year:the: North ýShoreý Congre- gation Israel Sisterhood is again offer- i ng a cash prize of $25 for the best, original onle-act play to be produced at the temple on April 16, 1934. The -winners of the flrst contest were Mrs. Elma. Ehrlich Levinger, author. of "The Bride Maiden," an~d Miss Rutheda Pretzel author of "Deaf by Choice.", The. rules governing the contest are as follows: 1. Entries must be in by, Jaiiuar%,y 1, 1934. 2.PIy istbetpewritten on one side of paper only. 3.Name of author rnust. he in a sealed envelope with nom de, plume written on,-outside of envelope and also on manuscript.for reference. 4. Manuscript to be sent to office of. temple,, Vernon and, Lincoln avenues, Giencoe. AMERICAN DiRECTrOiRE SARONIAL RETSY ROSS BfUOAL BOUQUET CHANTILLY CINJDERELLA COLFAX CORON ET DO0LLY M ADI1S&0N EDGEWORTH ETRUSCAN 1810 FAIRFAX FLORENTI.NE FRANCIS FIRST HUNT CLUB LADY DIANA LADY MARty. LANSDOWNE LOTUS LOUIS XIV MAYFLOWER MINUET MYTHOLOGIQUE NORMANDIE OLD SROCADE OLD COLONY OLD ENGLISH ANTIQUE OLD ENGI.ISH TIP 010 FRENCHI ONSLOW ORCHID POINTED ANTIQUE PRINCESS PATRICIA ST. DUNSTAN PLAIN ST. DUNSTAN CHASED SHAMROCI< V SHEAF OF WHEAT STUYVESANT SYMPHONY VERSAILLES, VIRGNIAÇAÉVEL WEDGWOOD( WILLIAM AND MARY *bridge pat o ehl at BriF May 123, at 2 o'clock. It is anno that ail who are interested in bridge or Arden Shore are cor in'vited to attend., There will. be and refreshments., Wea 1U- E VA 1 T C U S TS NO0 MR E AT S PAU L DING-GORHMA M'S