NEW TRIER CAVALCADE As I watched the eighth graders wander througb our halls and over our grounds last week, a sincere feel- ing of envy arose in me. These prospective freshmen,'fortuinate crea- tùres , are, ju st beginning that great adventure -fo ur years at New Trier --and we, the seniors, have almost finished it., Our -two last gestres- presenitation of 'the class 'gift, and Publication of the Echoes will soon beé made. Iis strange to think that in less than .a, month the, commencement exercises of the class of 1933 will be over. As the last strains of Elgar's "Pomp and Circumistance" die away, we, shah , become history. *After..that eventful June 15, w e, having finished four bappy years of work and, play together, shall neyer again meet as a cdas .. These newý freshmen will take ùp the. bu rdens we havre carried -aid en- joy the pleasures we have enjoyed. They will fight for New Trier's naine on the athletic fields; they will work. in journalism, music, dramatics, de- bate and clubs; they will sweil the ranks of our T. N. T. and Honor sQ- ciety; they will corne to know our faculty and administration as pleas- ant human beings. In short, they will become an important force in the if e of New Trier. Yet, they in turn will pass into bis- tory-as the class of 1937.' May their four years within New Trier's friend- ly portals be as pleasant and profit- able as ours have been. -The .Consulting Editor. THAT' MIGHTY DOLLAR After long hours of work and prob- ably a few nights' sleep lost, we made our allowance :cover ail it bad top and thenlast Moniday, we were greet- ed with the most outstandingnées that another dollar was. due for our Echoes. Well, that was the lirnit., That nieans a pair of stockings or a compact or somie. golf balis gonle. That really was the limit. If we paidi five 'dollars for. Our victllilig t coiDineana e hegitt By winning the meet, New Trier together this year. This will enable qualified twelve men, for the state both classes to get a much more ex- meet 'to be held at Champaign this pensive and useful gift than any one Saturday, and this gives New Trier class could do alone, 'it is explained. an excellent chance to win the state Tegf hsya st eapr classic for. the first time.' The ten Thent pif ti yr isto be a pr- men qualifying in -the, individual mfanletin the Leslie F. Gates gym- events are: Martin, Kingsley, Schu- nasium. Bothr class presidens* o man,, Newtàn, Bnckmaster, Seiler, Seiler,th senior president, and Dor. Ballenger, Price, Bollenson and elle Mouilton, the junior president- Scott. New-Trier also qualified a wi- reen the gift at comnce reayteam composed of'Seiler, 'New-metxrcsshsyarItipln ton, Jones and Botthof. ned to have aà plate, on the micro- Winners and runners-np in each Phone, indicating that the gift was event are allowed to compete in the the 'Class of '33and the state "-meet, and the school that, wins Class of '34. The ide'a was accepted the district meet is allowed to enter by both classes. aIl men that earned points. Newton Ifgh inlt Men Newbon had no trouble in winning the 100-yard dash in :9.9 which is splendid time and getting a second inthe,2?0 low hurdles, and finally running on the relay te am, that took third place, making him b.igh-point man for the meet. Martin Won, the broad jump 'with a .plendid Ieap of '21 feet, 9 inches. Scott took a fourth ini this event. Price took a fifth ini the mile run. In the haîf mile, Buckmaster got a fourth place, and Seilér a third in the quarter... Jimniie Kingsley won the-pole vault at Il feet, 4Ya2. inches, while Cap-, tain Schuman won the s'hot Put and book a fourth in bbe discus. Bol- lenson corne through with a third i the higb jump. Winners Are Utd Summaries of the district meet fol-' low; 120-yard high hur'de-won by Hol. mes, DeertieId; Doherty, P'rovi8o, sec-' ond; Deal, U. HIgh, third; Monk, Oak Park, fourth; Murphy, Oak Park, lUfth. Time :16.7. .100-yaTrd'dash-won by Newton, N. T.; Walters, Proviso, second; .Xietel, Evan- ston, third; Stallçy, Oak Park, fourth;j Purkls. Oak Park, fifth. Time -:09.9.9 220-yard Iow hurdles-won by 'Doher-1 ty, Proviso; Newton, N. T.; second; Porter, La Grange, third.; Ballenger,9 N4. T.,. fourth; Martin, Evani3to'n,flfth.. Time :49 220-yard dash-won by Waters, Pro- visô; ietel, Evanston, second;- Purkis, Oak Park, third; Rogers, Oak Park, t fourth; Hokenson, Deerfield, lUfth. Timej :22 Entries Due Mtay 26 fo'Ér Williams Prize Contest AIl entries for, the Williams prize contest, which may include short stories, familiar, essays, poetry,. or, drama, must -be' turned in, by Friday, May 26, to Miss Louise Hamilton or Uarry C. Pifer. Eaeh m'ui.nscript is' signed by a "nome de Plume," with the author's real name in an envelope attached to . the manuscript and sealed. The Scriblerus club will aid in se- lecting the best papers which in turn are submitted to the judges. Rib- bons' will bc awarded for first and second prize, and honorable mention wiIl be read. The winners will be an- nounced by Mr. Williamns at the commencement exercises on june 15. G. A. A. Deies to Have Banquet June 8' The' G. A. A. banquet this year'is to be held in tbe mess hall on Thursday,ý june 8. AIl of the girls who are in G. A. A. or have any points toward membership are' urged to~ corne. One of the high spots of tbe evenirig wilI bc the announcemenit of flext year's officers and sports heads. Another, feature wvill be the stunts worked out. by the iniiates under the supervision of the officers. These are only two of the attractions of the banquet. The through the all-too-narrow ' corridors ...a Babel of rnulti-pitched. voices rasping against one another, tallcing of the petty, paltry, insignificant things of life . ....totally innocent of the genuine problems, confronting it, the, shovîing mass elbows its weary wvay through the echoig halls . -.... ignorant of their place in the gigantic jig-saw PuzzÉle of the universe... slowly the crowd- thins, dissolves. in- to a hundred different assimilation Pots as.a last few stragglers plunge, uinder slowly closing covers.... silence .,. . *.*. cui.t, ominous drone of final bell . . . . cruel bell....bell that steals the hours away..... that warns of advancing day; of work compfleted and work, yet tô complete . ..on and on....belîs and silence...... silence and belîs . work done and workundone. bells silence . . . silence... belis-.. .is it a Wonder that an occasion- ai *frightened, cowed, querying voice cries out fromn the seething cauldron .....QO VADIS?. . .:. . And what is orir answer? If it isn't one thing,,it's two) others!I. The doctor ordered a change of scenery, s0 we moved our desk to another window, and now we have a nasty code in the bead and cand eben 'say "niggel"! No, Wilbur; «'hales don't lay egg.. He: "Every time I kiss you -I feel like a better man 1" Her: "WélI,, please don't try to get to heaven tonight 1" Wbile passing New Trier's PORTA NIGRA Friday làst, heard thunder- ous. applause and 'stopped to hear Mr.- Schumacher's audience clapping to beat the band 1. Congratulations 1 Nvo, Wilbur; Charlie Chaplin s n ot, Adolph Heitler's brother. Now a thumb tax for hitch-hikers, nord.'f l. çiAinge, 7 SIrnon oru ine8, jnidVAUiy-o yuacipar S*.c; p~~ ro AUl persons connected with New of IEvaniston, tkd for fourth. Reight' second; New Trier, 'th1i,4; Evai Trier are congratulatiiig Miss Sent- 6. feet, 1ilnch. ' 'ourth; La Grange, lUfth. Tîme 1:3: Discus throw--won by Johnson, Deer- Table of Points ney on obtaining this honor, because field; Halmefedt, Palatine second; New Trier .. . .42 ' La Grange . usually only college professors are flrandoneio, Deerfield, thfrd; Schuma.n, Ev'anstohn ... . 39% Arlington H!t. on this' board. The honor is regard- New Trier, fourth; Miller, Riverside, Oak Park ... .38 Maine........ ed as an indication of how highly ftfth. Distance 115 feet, 34/' Ue. rvs....2 Iniversity isrneBi h dcto- Iroad Jump-won by Martin, New Deerfield ..22 Rîverside .. New Trieri' akdi heeuain Trier; Sballey, Oak Park, second;,Libertyville . . Io BesgVi ai world. Hauft. Arlington, }[elghta,, third; Scott, Palatibe......0 SNAVAL-CAVALRT, D.ys lN-W 3 WOODC RAPT- SorsP-1N